Friday, June 28, 2013

As I sit here at my computer feeling a bit blah with the dark heavy clouds outside my window, my thoughts turn to the Mennonite Convention which is next week. There the clouds will be few and the temperatures will soar. Phoenix, here we come! (Perhaps Val or Heidi should send eggs with us to fry on the sidewalks.) :) 

Beyond the usual hopes for safety, smooth travels, and wise choices for the youth, these are the thoughts that have been flooding my grey matter this week. 

  • I hope I can keep up. 
  • I hope I've not forgotten anything important. 
  • I hope we are stretched but not broken. 
  • I hope we are challenged but not defiant. 
  • I hope we sing HWB #118 more than once. 
  • I hope we see beyond differences to beauty and understanding.
  • I hope we strengthen and expand our definition of community. 
  • I hope my big toe cooperates. 
  • I hope the hotel staff finds the presence of a zillion teens praiseworthy rather than annoying.
  • I hope our eyes are open to see Jesus in unusual places and people. 
  • I hope to see old friends and make new ones. 
  • I hope God speaks, and we listen. 
  • I hope I get at least 5 hours of sleep each night. 
  • I hope the city of Phoenix smiles and is blessed by our presence.
  • I hope our teens come home awakened, inspired, and prepared to act by the Presence of the Divine. 
  • I hope, I hope, I hope.....
Regardless of what transpires next week, God will be present. The choice will be ours to hear, see, and honor. Please pray for us! 
2011 Convention
Thank you, Church Family, for the incredible support you've provided so that your young people (and at least one not so young person) has this opportunity!  

This week Brother Mick's message is "No Law Against It" based on Paul's word to the Galatians in Chapter 5:1,13-25. Everyday, I try to meditate on the Spirit fruit by singing the 9 (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control), while doing yoga, when I'm praying, when I can't sleep, when I'm stressing about leading a group of 22 to Arizona.....This is a life-giving practice for me in Kingdom Living. Try it!  The worship service begins at 10:15 am. 
The Upper Room will be open to all ages at 9 am for colloquy (I heard this word used on NPR this week meaning "conversation") on an article or topic which is still being determined. Please join us! 

Prayer for today:  Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge. I say to the Lord, "You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you." Ps 16:1 Gracious God, you are good. In you we find life for today and hope for tomorrow.  There are so many challenges in our lives, and we struggle to trust in your goodness and preservation.  Thank you for never leaving us nor forsaking us. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven.  In Jesus name. Amen. 

2009 Convention
I will not blogging next week. 

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too! 
Love and Light,
Carol   (Take time to listen to some of Brother Mick's challenging/inspiring messages!)

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Target
I just returned from breakfast with a good friend; she's the kind of friend with whom I can be real. We talk about our lives, church, and the kitchen sink, and I know she's not going to judge me as a heretic, weirdo, or ignoramus. Okay-- perhaps she occasionally THINKS I'm a heretic, weird, or ignorant, but she doesn't JUDGE me for it! She advises me on comfortable shoes, matters of faith, and relationships. I hope all of you have a friend like her.

One of the things we often discuss is how we "do" church worship.  What would happen if we started from scratch, discarding the known elements of music, liturgy, and silence? What would happen if we didn't have a bulletin stating the order of service and announcements for the week?  Does our worship truly honor God, or does it simply fulfill a need within us for order, tradition, community, and safety?  When is worship performance? Is that okay?  What if singing is "vainglory" of our lovely four part harmony?  What if I participate in the readings without any feeling?
What would happen if we removed all the trimmings, bows, and whistles and simply listened  for the Divine?

Hmmmmm.....heretic, weirdo, and ignorant?  Maybe..... Care to join me in the discussion? :)

Sunday will be an opportunity for a different type of worship service as we join the Heritage Days Celebration at the Intercourse Community Park at 10am.   (Readers from other areas of the world, there is no need for consternation.  Intercourse, most likely meaning Cross Keys,  is the name of the community.) The Horst Brothers will be sharing foot-tapping, knee-slapping gospel bluegrass music.  Ridgeview is blessed to have band members Elton and Nathan as part of our congregation. Bring your lawn chairs and come join us!

Congratulations to Korinne and Ian on their beautiful wedding last Saturday!  I am so very grateful for the community of family and friends who worked with us providing decorations, ideas, music, cupcakes, delicious cuisine, gorgeous flowers, clean-up, housing, specialty popcorn, instructions, encouragement, support, and more to make this weekend so very special. :)  We are blessed!  (We still do not know where the bride and groom are honeymooning...) :)

A prayer for today:  Gracious God, you ARE. Help us to see. You ARE.  Help us to listen. You ARE.  Help us to encounter.  Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen. 

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!

Love and Light,
Carol   (Take time to listen to some of Brother Mick's challenging/inspiring messages!)

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd

Friday, June 7, 2013

               I let her be the "moat monster." Wasn't that benevolent of me? 

  "Moat Monster" was one of the odd little games my friends and I played at 6th grade recess (not to be confused with "Sea Monster" which was played on our front porch with our neighbors.) At a corner of the school building, an imaginary line was drawn. If we crossed into the moat, we risked being captured by the creature where we were trapped until rescued.  

Yep, she was the new girl and didn't fit in. Her clothes looked like they may have belonged to her mother, her personality was nothing like Marcia Brady (or even Jan for that matter), and she didn't have a shape like Barbie's little sister, Skipper. 
Would I be inviting her to a slumber party? No way! However, since it was the "right" thing to do, I encouraged her inclusion into our game as the infamous beast living in the water surrounding the castle. Did I mention no one else wanted to play the behemoth? She seemed glad to be included. I know I was a child and that I had my own wounds and insecurities, but I am ashamed as I recall this story.  More than anyone else present, this little girl needed to be the beautiful princess; the one valued and worth rescuing. sigh. For whatever reason, I don't think this family stayed very long in my hometown.  I am sorry, Dena.  

Thank you, Jesus, for valuing and rescuing each and every one of us as your little princesses and princes out of the moat. No more moat monsters! 

Brother Mick's message this week is "No Visible Wounds" with his sermon text from Ephesians 4:25-32. "We desire to follow after Jesus the Christ and his example. To live as he has instructed us to live; loving one another, caring for each other. And yet in the midst of these desires and best intentions sometimes the people of God can still wound one another."  Our brother continues to challenge us with meaningful and inspiring messages; this is likely to be yet another such word. Take a listen to some of the past sermons at:

During Sunday school in the Upper Room, we'll finish up any discussion on last week's conversation, and then begin a discussion on this post about missions from The Mennonite.  I look forward to a full room and a lively discussion!  All ages are welcome.

c 1970's --My Dad, who has helped roast birds
 every year since the beginning of the festival.
Hometown readers, have fun at the Tremont Turkey Festival. I wish I could be there! :)  

The countdown is on for Korinne and Ian!  As the MOB (mother of the bride!), I will not be posting the communique next week. :) 

A prayer for today:  Creator God, we find meaning in You. Help us to truly know and understand that Your love is greater than our fears. You are our light and our salvation. You rescue us from the depths and monsters of the moats.  Grant us courage to truly live today. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen. 

Without question or doubt, you are LOVED by GOD, and I love you too! 
Need to talk?  Contact me! 

Love and Light, 

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd