Friday, May 30, 2014

Be Still

  • Where are those keys...? 
  • Did you see my glasses...? 
  • What did I do with my phone...?
     -In my hand...(ridiculous, I know) 
     -On the top of my head, oh yeah... 
     -In my pocket, hmmmm....

Crazy, right?  Have you ever done that? When the thing for which you are searching has been with you all the time?  This morning these images came to me as I sat with God. So often I think I need to spend more energy, more searching, more, more, more seeking God when all I have to do is stop and be aware. God is present, never to leave us nor forsake us. 

We live in a frenetic society, where hard work, busyness, and extremes seem to rule the day and establish our worth. We seem to think we have to labor at finding God in our lives; we think God is "out there" and God-time needs to be on our "to do" list.
 In my plethora of tasks, am I pausing, recognizing, and acknowledging that I'm not going it alone? That the very loving one who created me is closer than the forgotten glasses perched on the top of my head?

The other Sunday when I had this and that to do, so and so to talk to, and here and there to go, a friend said to me, "Calm down. You  look like a rabbit caught in traffic."
I had a good laugh at that image, but as soon as he said it, I knew he was right! I was running on my own waning energy and sad little wisdom to complete my tasks. Why would I do this when the Spirit of the Living God is present with me if I just pause, be aware, and listen?

Many of us can cite the verse, "Be still, and know that I am God."  Do you know where it is found?  I encourage you to take a moment and read the entirety of the beautiful, inspiring, and calming Psalm 46. psalm 46

This week is the final week for the elective class on Spiritual Formation.  That class and all others will be meeting at 9AM with our worship service beginning at 10:15 AM.  There will be singing for everyone at 9:55 AM in the Rec Room.
Brother Mick's message is called "No Shame in the Pain" with scripture text I Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11. "This passage from I Peter is a strong reminder that the way of Jesus can lead us to situations where the possibility of suffering because of our faith is a reality.  This would seem to be a counter argument to those who want their Christian faith to only be about blessings and victory..." I hope you'll join us!

Our ingathering for June is rather inJEANious, as we are collecting used jeans to be donated to the Material Resource Center which is part of MCC. Material Resource Center The jeans are recycled into sale-able items such as comforters.

Prayer for today: Creator God, you are our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear...let us be still and know you are God. Let us be still and know you are our refuge. Let us be still and know you are our strength. We praise you. We thank you.  Flow through each of us that we may offer healing and hope to all creation in your name. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus' name. AMEN. 

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!

Love and Light,

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd

Friday, May 9, 2014

Three Little Birds

My friend Beth who teaches music at a school in Lancaster city recently shared this account on Facebook: 

"Two 5th grade boys were starting to exchange unpleasantries. A girl in their class stepped between them, turned to one of them and started singing sweetly  "Don't worry...about a thing...'cause every little thing...gonna be alright!" from a Bob Marley song they learned in music class. three little birds By the time she finished the boy was laughing, singing along, and went off to play with her. Peacemaking at its best!"

In checking with Beth to see if I could share this story, she added that this girl is the constant target of bullying and struggles emotionally; even so, she was a shining light and vessel of peace diffusing this situation!

Wow. Once again, God provides tools and courage to the weak and disenfranchised to make a difference in the Kingdom. This is good news, Friends! (Well, I guess it is unless you are the strong and powerful...)

The courage, sagacity, and resourcefulness of this young girl inspire me; the power of music enthralls, delights, and energizes me. 

The Goshen College Women's World Music Choir has this quote in their program, "When you sing you have no evil thoughts, and when you are dancing you feel less hungry."-- Esma Redqepova, Roma (gypsy) performer and singer

Can I hear an AMEN?

This Sunday at 10:15 AM we will be privileged to hear the Lancaster Mennonite Campus Chorale directed by Marcella Hostettler, a Goshen College graduate, :) sharing a program of world music. 
LMS Campus Chorale 
Classes for all ages are available at 9 AM. 

Our ingathering for the month includes items for MCC relief kits.  There is a sign up sheet in the lobby. 

Prayer for today: Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End--Gracious God of music and hope, we praise you! Thank You for the gift of music that touches our hearts, souls, and minds in deep and meaningful places. Grant us courage like this young girl to be peacemakers with the tools you've provided us. As we journey in grace with You, let us be the people You've called us to be that in our uniqueness we accomplish the Kingdom tasks You've prepared for each of us. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. In JESUS name. AMEN. 

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!   

Love and Light, 

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd

Friday, May 2, 2014

The Emmaus Road

Luke 24:13-35, which is one of the ancillary texts for this Sunday, is one of my favorite passages of scripture as two followers on their journey to the village of Emmaus are joined by the risen Jesus. I love to close my eyes and imagine this event.

As they walk, they are joined by a third person who just happened to be Jesus. They did not recognize him.  He is welcomed into their walk and talk, and he listens as they describe his own story to him. Jesus adds commentary to the conversation explaining the prophesies concerning himself which apparently causes the apostles "hearts to burn," and still, they did not know who it was. Only after they sat down to eat together, and Jesus took the bread and broke it, did they realize this was the Christ!

I wonder...

  • I wonder how many times we fail to recognize God in our very midst as we have our preconceived ideas and notions as to what, when, how, why, and who the Incarnate is and is not.
  • I wonder how many times the truth is precluded from us as we discuss issues, events, and yes, even scriptures?
  • I wonder if it is in the sitting down together, the breaking of bread together, the very intimacy of gathering round the table in community that truth is found?
  • I wonder if there is something to the very act of sharing our food and hospitality that releases us to sight? So many important events occurred in Jesus' life during mealtimes. (How many can you name?)
  • I wonder if the focus on eating releases our brains to greater openness and the consideration of other paradigms.
  • I wonder if as the church struggles with inclusion and welcome to all people if we might be more effective in our discernment if we were sharing our fare together around the table.

This very week I shared with someone how my own nebulous fear dissipated during the sharing of a meal. I'm not going to tell that story today, because I want to ponder the thought a bit more. 
I wonder... 

Open our eyes,Lord! (and maybe our dinner tables too!) 

This Sunday we will share the bread and cup of communion together as we also celebrate the baptism service for 5 of our young people. Brother Nelson will be sharing the message with his primary scripture text Acts 2:14a, 36-41.  "Today we celebrate that youth who have been nurtured in our homes and congregation have heard Jesus voice and have said yes and are taking an additional step in their trek with Jesus. We will reflect again on the confessions we have made as we join in hearing baptismal vows. We will marvel at the many ways Jesus has walked with us, at times unknown to us. We will celebrate as we share the feast of Jesus body and blood given for us." 
Baptism doesn't denote a  boring and safe life but rather the willingness to have crazy adventures with God! 
I hope you will join us at 10:15 AM for this meaningful time. There are classes for all ages at 9 AM. 

Please join me in the Rec Room at 9:55 AM for a time of singing. 

For the month of May we will be collecting items for relief kits.  Mennonite Central Committee is responding to dire needs in South Sudan and other desperate areas of the world. There is a sign up sheet in the lobby for the necessary items. MCC_South Sudan

Congratulations to Laura and Taylor for graduating with honors from EMU!  What a fabulous weekend of celebration! Lehmah Gbowee, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, was the inspiring commencement speaker. "Embrace the present. Uncertainty is no excuse for paralysis. Do not wait for good to happen for yourself in order to do good for others."

Travis has marked completing a marathon off his bucket list and at this point, he doesn't plan to run another!  Congratulations, Travis!  

They're back! I just looked out the window and there are two hummingbirds battling with their light sabers at the feeder.

Prayer for today based on Philippians 4:4-7 Lord, we rejoice in You. Yes, we praise You!
Help us to be gentle and patient with one another. You are near. We confess our anxieties and fears to You and seek Your guidance. Thank you for this very moment. Open our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus that the peace that is You and is beyond all knowledge and understanding will fill us. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God here on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen. 

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!   

Love and Light, 

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd