You get the idea.
As I read Brother Mick's presermon notes for his message, "What are you chasing?" on Paul's words in I Timothy 6:6-19 for this Sunday, I thought about "Kori questions."
Would you rather....?
- have oodles of cash or tons of friends?
- be known as part of the popular, cool crowd or the kind, thoughtful individual?
- be the one everyone turns to for the latest gossip or the one people turn to for an empathetic listener?
- be the one known for outrageous pranks or generous good deeds?
- be known for your quick wit and intelligence or your wise, gentle actions?
- be known as hard-working and driven or playful and a rose aficionado?
In and of themselves some of these things aren't bad. Brother Mick says, "I want to spend some time inviting us to reflect on our personal pursuits during the message time particularly as we prepare ourselves for sharing in the world communion event the following Sunday."
Questions I pondered this week (and other weeks!)
When life is so very difficult/hellish for someone, (e.g. child suffering the deaths of both parents, rape, war-torn lives, abuse, school shootings, earthquakes, hunger...), how does one best communicate God's love? Does my saying, "You are loved by God" sometimes result in anger/hurt/frustration? There are times words sure don't seem like they have much meaning. "For the Bible tells me so..." seems awfully flat to me in these situations.
What do you think? Hmmmmm......
The senior high class will join the young adults for the second lesson in the Judah Smith study "Jesus Is____." Brother John will be teaching. :) The Christian formation hour begins at 9 a.m., and the worship service is at 10:15 a.m. Everyone is welcome!
Marcie will be joining a team from The Factory ( at a national conference in Oklahoma City addressing poverty next week. Sharing part of her story, Marcie will no doubt inspire hope and action. I'm not sure I've ever met anyone so determined to get up again and keep trying after being "kicked in the teeth" time and time again. Those of us who are the "haves" could learn much from our "have not" sisters and brothers. Those of us who are the "haves" should shut up (ok, I know I have to wash the dishes for saying, "shut up," but I'll take my medicine) and listen to the stories of the "have nots." Those of us who are the "haves" should have to walk in the shoes of the "have nots" for a month and gain understandings of the challenges. Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now.
A "Walk for Hunger" is being held on Sunday, October 20 at the Salisbury Park. Monies will help support the food pac program for Pequea Valley School District. Contact Char if you're interested.
Thoughts of love and caring are going out to Tynea and Travis in the death of their grandpa this week.
love be it in action or word. As the Horst family grieves the loss of grandfather/father wrap them in your comforting light. Thank you that Your grace and mercy are living water for our souls. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. In JESUS name. AMEN.
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,
(PS For a closer look at the photos, click on them!)
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd