"Sure." Having no idea what she was asking, I turned around, and she handed me what appeared to be a large marble. I glanced up at her face and saw the empty eye socket. Yikes! Her glass eye!
Her twitching lips informed me that as much as desiring her eye rinsed, she was hoping to freak out this teenage girl just a little.
Her twitching lips informed me that as much as desiring her eye rinsed, she was hoping to freak out this teenage girl just a little.
One of my earliest jobs was as a companion/helper for a woman in my community who had become blind as an older adult. Arriving at her house each day, I would help with clothing and cooking, drive to appointments in her big brown Bonneville, and keep her company. She had never visually seen the apartment in which she was now living, so there were strings from her bed to the bathroom, from her bathroom to the kitchen, and from the kitchen to the living room to serve as guide ropes.
Each day she would talk me through the preparation of food I'd never before made. I had to trust her mind's eye as under her tutelage I prepared chicken in a terrifying pressure-cooker; I fried zucchini and made mashed potatoes. Oh, I also had to call the plumber since the celery I put into the garbage disposal choked all the moving parts with its fibrous self.
There were times our communication struggled as Vera's 70-something word set was different than my juvenile self's lot, and when she asked for her "pants" she did not mean the same thing I did. I suspect her patience was greatly stretched.
I am so grateful to Vera for teaching me not only about cooking but also about adversity and resilience. There are parts of our story for which I'd like to have "do overs," but it is what it is, and I am thankful for the relationship and opportunity.
"[Sunday's] texts are all about sight, both physical and spiritual," Brother Mick's presermon notes state. "They invite us to consider moving beyond whatever deeply imbedded, knee jerk reactions are so commonplace to us and consider other possibilities that may be present....Are we locked into our assumptions or can we allow the call and touch of God to expand our sight?" The sermon passage is John 9:1-41 with adjunct scriptures from I Samuel 16:1-13 and Psalm 23.
You are welcome to join us! The worship service begins at 10:15 AM with Sunday school at 9 AM.
I just had a great conversation with Heidi updating me on Ashlea's progress. She is home and healing! Let's continue to hold her in our prayers.
Would you like to sing in the Easter Choir? After church you'll have an opportunity to meet the Mark Jackson who is directing. :)
Prayer for today: The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein. Psalm 24:1 Gentle Shepherd, open us to sight and understanding greater than ourselves that we may see the earth and its people as your earth and your people. Let us take care of each other and our world as we live in relationship with You. Thank you for Ashlea. We request your continued healing and loving Presence to be made tangible to her. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. AMEN.
Each day she would talk me through the preparation of food I'd never before made. I had to trust her mind's eye as under her tutelage I prepared chicken in a terrifying pressure-cooker; I fried zucchini and made mashed potatoes. Oh, I also had to call the plumber since the celery I put into the garbage disposal choked all the moving parts with its fibrous self.
I am so grateful to Vera for teaching me not only about cooking but also about adversity and resilience. There are parts of our story for which I'd like to have "do overs," but it is what it is, and I am thankful for the relationship and opportunity.
"[Sunday's] texts are all about sight, both physical and spiritual," Brother Mick's presermon notes state. "They invite us to consider moving beyond whatever deeply imbedded, knee jerk reactions are so commonplace to us and consider other possibilities that may be present....Are we locked into our assumptions or can we allow the call and touch of God to expand our sight?" The sermon passage is John 9:1-41 with adjunct scriptures from I Samuel 16:1-13 and Psalm 23.
You are welcome to join us! The worship service begins at 10:15 AM with Sunday school at 9 AM.
I just had a great conversation with Heidi updating me on Ashlea's progress. She is home and healing! Let's continue to hold her in our prayers.

Prayer for today: The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein. Psalm 24:1 Gentle Shepherd, open us to sight and understanding greater than ourselves that we may see the earth and its people as your earth and your people. Let us take care of each other and our world as we live in relationship with You. Thank you for Ashlea. We request your continued healing and loving Presence to be made tangible to her. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. AMEN.
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd