Friday, February 25, 2011

Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?  Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?
Good morning, Friends-- 
     ACCK!  Why won't my eye quit twitching??  In a few days time we were meeting with a counselor to talk about the situation with our "daughter of the heart" and her parents, Cliff's brother and his wife. Jennie had been living with us for several years with the original goal being that she would move back home with her other mom and dad..  However, since she had come to live with us as a sweet, little 9 month old there was no change in the status of care for Jennie.  Cliff and I told her parents that as such, we wanted to change some of the patterns into which we had all fallen. The change was not something they wanted, and they requested we meet with a mediator to talk about this.  Now, my eye was twitching like crazy.  I was trying not to worry, but I was worrying. 
     Finally, the day arrived. As we got up to enter the office of the counselor, I had this "See ya later, Jesus" thought,  but suddenly I was flooded with peace and an "I'm going into the session with you, Daughter.  No waiting room for me!" 
     Jennie is now a beautiful 16 year old girl who lives with her parents and spends lots of time with her "family of the heart." Has this lesson taught me not to worry? Well, it has helped, but I'm not totally cured! If you see my eye doing jumping jacks, feel free to ask me about it!

     "Weaning Ourselves from Worry" is the title of Brother Mick's message this week with scriptures from Isaiah 49:8-16a, Psalm 131, and Matt. 6:24-34. 
Psalm 131 is short but beautiful as it presents an image of peace and trust. 
\   Lord, my heart is not proud;
      my eyes are not haughty.
   I don’t concern myself with matters too great
      or too awesome for me to grasp.
  Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself,
      like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk.
      Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.
  O Israel, put your hope in the Lord
      now and always.
     The young adult class is not planning to meet on Sunday as many of us will be away.  However, you are welcome to hang out upstairs if you are looking for a couch! :)
      My prayer for you today:  Creator God, you are always with us; in waiting rooms, in operating rooms, in the classroom, in the office, in the car, in the home, in the woods, or at the beach.   No matter where we are, there you are.  You will never leave us nor forsake us.  That should be enough.  That is enough.  Help us to comprehend and hold the love you have for each of us in our hearts and minds. Come kingdom of God.  Be done, will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven.  AMEN

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!  Call me anytime. :) 
love and light,
 "Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "  jd

Friday, February 18, 2011

"Call the Code!"

 Good morning, All!
    "There's something wrong with Aunt Gertie!"  a distressed couple said as they came out of the hospital room.  The unit was a general med-surg floor, and I was working day shift.  Aunt Gertie was not my patient, and another nurse went quickly into the room. That nurse came flying back out of the room and yelled, "Call the code!" and went running for the crash cart.  Ehhhh!  The nurse who finds a patient in cardiac arrest is supposed to call the code from the patient's room and begin CPR! At least that was the procedure 25 years ago when this occurred.  I rushed into the room to begin the process. 
     Aunt Gertie was lying with her mouth slightly open, eyes wide open, and her color ashen.  She did not react at all to my entrance.  I began to put her bed in a flat position while checking her pulse at the same time. Much to my shock her skin was warm, her pulse was strong, and the woman in the bed said, "I'm just fine. It's my roommate who's having trouble."  This woman was blind and ill, so just looked like death had visited her.... :/  (Sounds like a hospital sitcom episode.... one of those not really funny but funny!)
     We can know all the correct procedures and get "A's" on our exams, but unless we apply our knowledge in real life, it doesn't really matter! 
     This week Brother Mick is preaching "From Learning to Loving" with scriptures from Matthew 5:38-48, Levitcus 19:1-2, 9-18; and Psalm 119: 33-40.  We are to be holy as God is holy, set apart for a purpose, a purpose that is described in these passages.
You can read the passages from this site. 
     Last Sunday the College and Careers class had a delicious breakfast and will again be meeting in the upstairs room although sans pancakes. :)    If you haven't joined the Ridgeview Mennonite Young Adults fb group yet, do so today! Julie posted some great photos from last week's breakfast.
     Let's all tell Laura Glick to "Break a leg!" as she has her acting debut tonight in "Fashion," a student directed play.  Laura plays the butler and gets to make lots of those delightful faces for which she is famous at Ridgeview!  I wish I could be there, Laura.  Can't wait to hear about it. :)
     Blessings to Kristin Lapp as she marries Ryan Ebersole tomorrow. :)
     My prayer for you today:  Creator God, you are the beauty that surrounds us.  You are the wisdom that is within us.  You are the light, and hope,and joy that fills us.  No matter our circumstances, we are called by you to be your children; to follow you, Jesus,  to find rest, healing, guidance, and wholeness through the power of your Holy Spirit.  Bless Laura; help her to remember her lines and the nuances of her role.  Bless Nate; help him to remember your love for him as well as the love of your people for him.  Bless Zach; remind him of the love and hope that is You.  Bless Kristin and Ryan as they begin their lives as a married couple.  Lord, use us to pour out your healing and hope on a world that is so in so much pain and despair. Come Kingdom of God.  Be done will of God; here on earth as it is in heaven.  AMEN
     Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
love and light,

     "Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "  jd

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Prayer of Transformation

Creator God—You make all things new!  Praise and Glory to you!
Open my heart to receive transformation—to become the person you designed for me to be—
that as I walk this life with the swirling chaos and hailstorms of pain and loss that accompanies the journey,
 your craftsmanship will be completed,
 and I will be as a healing balm to those in pain;
a sip of cool water, refreshing and joyful, to the thirsty;
a wise and stable grandmother to the lost—that the healing and hope;
the light and the love that is YOU,
 will flow through me drawing together all of your children.  AMEN