"There's something wrong with Aunt Gertie!" a distressed couple said as they came out of the hospital room. The unit was a general med-surg floor, and I was working day shift. Aunt Gertie was not my patient, and another nurse went quickly into the room. That nurse came flying back out of the room and yelled, "Call the code!" and went running for the crash cart. Ehhhh! The nurse who finds a patient in cardiac arrest is supposed to call the code from the patient's room and begin CPR! At least that was the procedure 25 years ago when this occurred. I rushed into the room to begin the process.
Aunt Gertie was lying with her mouth slightly open, eyes wide open, and her color ashen. She did not react at all to my entrance. I began to put her bed in a flat position while checking her pulse at the same time. Much to my shock her skin was warm, her pulse was strong, and the woman in the bed said, "I'm just fine. It's my roommate who's having trouble." This woman was blind and ill, so just looked like death had visited her.... :/ (Sounds like a hospital sitcom episode.... one of those not really funny but funny!)
Aunt Gertie was lying with her mouth slightly open, eyes wide open, and her color ashen. She did not react at all to my entrance. I began to put her bed in a flat position while checking her pulse at the same time. Much to my shock her skin was warm, her pulse was strong, and the woman in the bed said, "I'm just fine. It's my roommate who's having trouble." This woman was blind and ill, so just looked like death had visited her.... :/ (Sounds like a hospital sitcom episode.... one of those not really funny but funny!)
We can know all the correct procedures and get "A's" on our exams, but unless we apply our knowledge in real life, it doesn't really matter!
This week Brother Mick is preaching "From Learning to Loving" with scriptures from Matthew 5:38-48, Levitcus 19:1-2, 9-18; and Psalm 119: 33-40. We are to be holy as God is holy, set apart for a purpose, a purpose that is described in these passages.
You can read the passages from this site. http://bible.oremus.org/
Last Sunday the College and Careers class had a delicious breakfast and will again be meeting in the upstairs room although sans pancakes. :) If you haven't joined the Ridgeview Mennonite Young Adults fb group yet, do so today! Julie posted some great photos from last week's breakfast.
Let's all tell Laura Glick to "Break a leg!" as she has her acting debut tonight in "Fashion," a student directed play. Laura plays the butler and gets to make lots of those delightful faces for which she is famous at Ridgeview! I wish I could be there, Laura. Can't wait to hear about it. :)
Blessings to Kristin Lapp as she marries Ryan Ebersole tomorrow. :)
My prayer for you today: Creator God, you are the beauty that surrounds us. You are the wisdom that is within us. You are the light, and hope,and joy that fills us. No matter our circumstances, we are called by you to be your children; to follow you, Jesus, to find rest, healing, guidance, and wholeness through the power of your Holy Spirit. Bless Laura; help her to remember her lines and the nuances of her role. Bless Nate; help him to remember your love for him as well as the love of your people for him. Bless Zach; remind him of the love and hope that is You. Bless Kristin and Ryan as they begin their lives as a married couple. Lord, use us to pour out your healing and hope on a world that is so in so much pain and despair. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God; here on earth as it is in heaven. AMEN
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
love and light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. " jd
Looks great Carol! I plan on reading this blog often! Thanks for your great job with the Youth and Young Adults.