Friday, June 17, 2011

O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your creatures. May the glory of the Lord continue forever.  The Lord takes pleasure in all he has made. Psalm104:24,31


 She was dressed in a striking pattern of yellow and black with her legs covered in lacy stockings with bright flecks--all eight of 'em.  Going out to the garden to pick the beans or tomatoes, I had to be on the alert not to disturb her parlor which was stretched between plants as she awaited her guests.  Dad had taught us respect for this creature, not only explaining her usefulness in naturally ridding the garden of certain pests, but also by demonstrating. He would catch a little grasshopper and toss it onto her couch of silk where it would be greeted with a kiss and a special cozy blanket.  Forget Dora and Barney, my sisters and I were enthralled by the natural entertainment afforded by Creation and introduced with appreciation and respect to us by our father.
Now we live in the woods where the arachnids sometimes choose to live in our house rather than their beautiful, natural environment.  There are times I feel more like the woman on the mentos commercial than
the Illinois farm girl who once let a tarantula named Nelson :) crawl up her arm. In those times I need to be reminded of the lessons from my dad of the incredible design and artistry of our Creator.   Thanks, Dad!  and Thanks, Dad!

This weekend is Heritage Days at the community park in Intercourse.  Ridgeview is participating in the community worship service starting at 10am in the big tent.  Mick, Nelson, Jeff, and others will all be involved.  My weekend's involvement is trash pick up.  If you want to help me out, I'm sure I can find a place for you! :)  There are also fireworks on Saturday evening.  The church parking lot will be full of spectators and fun!

Korinne, Ian, and the rest of the EMU Honduras cross-cultural team returned safely on Wednesday night-- actually it was Thursday morning as the expected Wednesday 10:45pm arrival became Thursday 1:30am....We arrived back at home around 5am. (YAWN!)

Laura G has arrived at Laurelville for her work as a counselor. Have a great summer, Laura!  I KNOW the campers will adore you! :)

My prayer for you today:  Lord, you are dressed in a robe of light.  You stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens; you lay out the rafters of your home in the rain clouds. You make the clouds your chariot; you ride upon the wings of the wind. Psalm 104:1-3  Thank you for the amazing world you have created.  Open our eyes to see how you fill the earth!  Open our hearts to understanding that we are part of that beauty and are loved and cared for by you. Open our minds to understanding that we are called to be caretakers of your world.  Thank you, God. Thank you, God!  Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven.  In your name, Jesus. AMEN

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!  Have a great weekend!
love and light,
PS  The internet is behaving badly-- I hope to add more photos later!
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. " JD

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