Children's Hospital National Medical Center, Washington DC
(Hospital stories 2 weeks in a row....)
(Hospital stories 2 weeks in a row....)

"Maybe I should check my kiddos one more time before I leave," I muttered to myself. Some of my little ones were awake and playing and some still sleeping. 18 month old James was the last of my little patients to check. I peaked into his room, and there he was standing in his crib, smiling broadly, and covered with blood from his IV which he had apparently ripped out, and coated in what must have been incredibly explosive diarrhea. Seriously, how could such a little guy have excrement covering every inch of himself and the crib and the floor???? and he was so happy.... SIGH. I could sneak out of his room and no one would know I saw this spectacle; James couldn't tell anyone. I really, really needed to sleep. Surely no one would blame me if they knew what kind of night I'd had and how pooped (bad pun intended) I was. Choices to make; character in question. I took a deep breath of hallway air and entered the room. "Oh, James!"
This week's message is entitled "Wax On, Wax Off," and Brother Mick will be sharing from the passage in Matthew 16:21-28 where Peter wants to prevent Jesus from facing death, and like we often try to do, keep Jesus clean and pure where all is happy and sweet rather than understanding Jesus is going to step into the muck where most of us are wallowing. Jesus certainly had loving arms around a sweet albeit stinky little boy named James, and Jesus invites us to join him in entering the stuff of life.
As I was sitting in my office this week and the walls began to tremble and my desk to vibrate, once I realized I was not having some sort of "spell," the verse came to mind from Isaiah 54:10 "Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you" Now many are facing the effects of Hurricane Irene; let's remember God is our refuge and strength even as we fill buckets to flush toilets and boil potatoes to eat.
A fellowship meal follows the service on Sunday allowing us to spend some time in appreciation for Jeff and Cindy, as Jeff concludes his time as minister of music at Ridgeview. God continues to use his servant Jeff in creative and amazing ways with his acting and musical gifts. I am very hopeful that Jeff's words to us might be, "You've not seen the last of me!" For those of you who enjoy piano music check out Jeff's website for his "In The Midst" cd as well as his engagements. I'm not sure if he has the cd available in digital format or not, but get a cup of tea, close your eyes, and be blessed as joy and peace flow from the dulcet sounds of the piano. We love you, Jeffrey!
Monday 7pm at Ridgeview there is an affordable housing meeting with Robert Thomas, president of Tabor Community Services, to continue the discussion about housing issues in our area. All are welcome to attend.
Some of you are teachers and back at school or going soon. May you be filled with Spirit fruit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, as you touch young hearts and minds.
College students, I am praying for you as you transition with roommates, classes, sports, food, professors, environment, schedules.....
This week's message is entitled "Wax On, Wax Off," and Brother Mick will be sharing from the passage in Matthew 16:21-28 where Peter wants to prevent Jesus from facing death, and like we often try to do, keep Jesus clean and pure where all is happy and sweet rather than understanding Jesus is going to step into the muck where most of us are wallowing. Jesus certainly had loving arms around a sweet albeit stinky little boy named James, and Jesus invites us to join him in entering the stuff of life.
As I was sitting in my office this week and the walls began to tremble and my desk to vibrate, once I realized I was not having some sort of "spell," the verse came to mind from Isaiah 54:10 "Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you" Now many are facing the effects of Hurricane Irene; let's remember God is our refuge and strength even as we fill buckets to flush toilets and boil potatoes to eat.
A fellowship meal follows the service on Sunday allowing us to spend some time in appreciation for Jeff and Cindy, as Jeff concludes his time as minister of music at Ridgeview. God continues to use his servant Jeff in creative and amazing ways with his acting and musical gifts. I am very hopeful that Jeff's words to us might be, "You've not seen the last of me!" For those of you who enjoy piano music check out Jeff's website for his "In The Midst" cd as well as his engagements. I'm not sure if he has the cd available in digital format or not, but get a cup of tea, close your eyes, and be blessed as joy and peace flow from the dulcet sounds of the piano. We love you, Jeffrey!
Monday 7pm at Ridgeview there is an affordable housing meeting with Robert Thomas, president of Tabor Community Services, to continue the discussion about housing issues in our area. All are welcome to attend.
Some of you are teachers and back at school or going soon. May you be filled with Spirit fruit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, as you touch young hearts and minds.
College students, I am praying for you as you transition with roommates, classes, sports, food, professors, environment, schedules.....
My prayer for you today:
God of Hope, in a world that is ever changing and at times hurtful, you are present and enter the muck with us providing healing and hope. You've revealed your true love for us through Jesus, claiming us as your children! Fill each reader with an awareness of your love; be it on a cognitive level or an emotional one; be it through a coworker today or a roommate; be it in the reading of this prayer or the perusal of the newspaper. You are omnificent and omnipotent, Creator and Almighty, yet made yourself a servant of love and have shown us a new way and a new hope. Come Kingdom of God. Be done, will of God. Here on earth, as it is in heaven. AMEN
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too. Never hesitate to contact me!
love and light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. " jd