for he will speak peace to his people,
to his faithful, to those who turn to him in their hearts. Psalm 85:8
Cliff stood up abruptly and said, "I'm going to go check on the kids."
We had a "house church" meal at Ridgeview, and the kids ages 3-11 were outside playing while the adults were conversing and laughing around the table. We all kind of shrugged, I said, "OK," and the rest of us returned to our chatter.
A few minutes later my hubby returned looking unsettled and a bit shaky.
"That was close, really close," he muttered.
"What's wrong?" someone asked.
"As I walked out the back door of the church, I looked up to see Alyssa flying down the hill on her bike, feet off the pedals, toward the bank behind the church. I just barely got to her before she went over," he replied emotionally.
Those of you who know Cliff, know he is a soccer player(10) with speed, agility, and an inherent knowledge of angles. Had any of the rest of us gone out to check on the kids, I suspect we would have stood there and cried, "OH, NO!" as this sweet little girl flipped over the steep bank at the back of the church. I am convinced that Cliff heard an unspoken whisper which he obeyed.
I just heard that our little bike rider is now engaged to be married, and it is this good news that sparked the remembrance. :) Congratulations, Alyssa and Weston!
I just heard that our little bike rider is now engaged to be married, and it is this good news that sparked the remembrance. :) Congratulations, Alyssa and Weston!
This week Brother Mick's message is "A.D.D. Disciples" with the scripture being Matthew 14:22-33. With so many distractions in our lives, how can we stay focused on Jesus?
As the first Sunday of August, we being a month's sabbatical from Sunday school with fellowship beginning at 9am and worship starting at 9:30.
Bob and Rick, church workers extraordinaire, began the Upper Room enclosure.
Whoo Hoo!
I may not have internet access next week while I'm at the beach, :) so there may or may not be a Communique.
Those of you in college are finishing up your summer jobs and activities and beginning to order your books, buy items for your dorms, make plans with roomies, and get into shape for your sports' seasons. Is it really August? I hope to meet with some of you before you leave!
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light!
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. " JD
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