Tromping through the timber was a favorite activity of my sisters and I. We especially loved it when Grandma Moser would don Grandpa's bib overalls and head out to the blackberry patch. (Oh, I wish I had a photo!) One hot summer Illinois day when Grandma was costumed and had her bucket in hand, a whole procession of us decided to join her. Diana, Karen, Mary Jo, myself, Lassie, and of course the felines, Rascal, Tiger Lily, Fluffy, Angel, and PJ led the parade on the cow path through the woods. Many days the creek was dry, but this time there was a nice gurgling stream of water. My sister Karen was concerned the kitties couldn't cross the stream, so she put one of them (I don't remember which one) on her shoulder and took a giant leap over the brook. I'm sure someone understanding Newton's laws could offer a scientific explanation for what happened, but what I know is that Karen's body crossed the creek, but since the cat didn't leap with her, the claws came out and desperately tried to hold on to a moving girl and slid all the way down her back. OOOOUCH! (Happy Birthday, Karen! Thanks for the idea, Korinne!)
OK, how does this tie into the message.... ummmmmmm... doesn't really although Mick will be talking about idols, and the Egyptians had many graven images of cats.

This week Brother Mick is back in the pulpit with a message he has titled, "Accustomed to Idols" with sermon text from I Corinthians 8:1-13.
http://bible.oremus.org/?ql=194453063 In his preparatory notes our brother states, "We are surrounded by idols in our society, and we have, for the most part, become immune, habituated, uncaring, and just plain accustomed to it all." You are invited to join us for what is sure to be an insightful look at ourselves and an opportunity to transform.
Stephen and his friend Lizzie will be leaving on a mission trip with Lizzie's church next week. If you've ever been with Steve on a work project, you know that much will be accomplished! Blessings!
The Upper Room will be open as usual on Sunday morning.
It was great to see Eric Y. on Wednesday night!
My prayer for you today: Creator God, whether our hearts are glad or sad today, you alone are our fortress and hope. We lay our hopes and fears, our joys and sadnesses, our anger and resentments, our agonies and expectations at your feet. You don't stomp on them with disdain or annoyance. No. As a gentle parent you take what we give, and you offer forgiveness of our sinfulness, healing and wholeness in our brokeness, and laugh with us in our joy. By your Spirit and your ultimate love on the cross, we become your children, ambassadors of your kingdom way. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,
Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend!" JD