I never talked about it, never. Not when it happened. Not during the "D" years. Not even after reconciliation. But because it was like a cancer eating away at me, silence was no longer a viable option. My parents divorced when I was in 5th grade. I was at school, and one of my classmates asked me, "I heard your parents are getting a divorce; is that true?" Well, I certainly knew my parents were having problems, but the "D" word had not been talked about with my sisters and I, so I flatly denied it. When my sisters and I got off of the school bus, my mom was waiting to talk to us... Now I was not only broken with sadness, I also felt like a liar. (I'm not sure if I ever told my family this....)
I don't remember ever telling any of my childhood friends that my parents divorced. (Friends who may be reading this, do you recall?) I was asked point blank by a neighbor on the bus, "Is it true about your parents?" and I looked straight ahead and pretended not to hear him. I had a birthday party to which my dad came and then left for the night. One of the girls asked, "Where is your dad going?" I again had deaf ears while some of the other girls laughed that "awkward moment laugh."
This was small town, USA, and in an era and area where divorce was still relatively rare, I was too embarassed to talk about my family situation. Sadly, the Christian community was not always "grace full" or at least that was my perception.
My parents remarried one another a few years later, but I still didn't talk about the divorce or the other wounds of my heart. My thoughts and emotions were my own, and I was too ashamed to share. But because my silence was like a cancer eating away at me, I realized I had to learn to be more open. When I left for Goshen College http://www.goshen.edu/ , I made a deliberate decision to be more transparent; to share my hurts; admit my foibles; and be "real." I changed directions and chose to walk in the light. Most wouldn't define this as "repentence" but I do. For me this was in many ways a life-saving turn around; consciously or perhaps even unconsciously I was trusting in my Creator's unconditional love for me in spite of myself or my circumstances.
Brother Mick will be sharing a message he is calling, "Beetles, Baptism, and Change" from Mark 1:4-11. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+1%3A4-11&version=NLT As John the Baptist calls us to repentence and focusing on Jesus, so Mick will be challenging us to explore what repentence is all about. I hope you can join us!
We will meet in the Upper Room at 9am. Come one, come all! Church begins at 10:15am. There will be a fellowship meal on Sunday, and you know it will be yummy!
Some of our college students return to school this weekend. Blessings to you in the new semester!
Please keep praying for Anthony, Mim, their families and others with health concerns.
Taylor leaves Thursday for a semester in Guatamala and Mexico with Eastern Mennonite University's cross-cultural program so let's pray for her too. http://www.emu.edu/crosscultural/ As her mom I am very excited that she has this opportunity. (Ok, I admit to a little trepidation...)
My prayer for you today: Creator God, you love us so much you became one of us-- to teach us and demonstrate your unconditional love. As students return to classes, remind them of your presence. As Anthony and Mim receive treatments, guide the healthcare workers and grant peace and healing. As Taylor and her team travel to Guatamala and Mexico, open their eyes and hearts to experience you in deep and meaningful ways.
Help us to turn around, to repent, to see you, experience you, and be transformed into the persons you've designed us each to be that we can be salt and light--bearers of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control, to a world that is striving to taste the salt of Goodness and walk in the light and truly See . Come Kingdom of God. Be Done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In the name of Jesus. AMEN.
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too! Call/Text me sometime. :)
Love and Light,
Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend!" JD
In the near future, expect to see some changes and improvements in our website.
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