This week I've been cogitating on what holds me back from totally following the way of Christ. One of the seminars I attended shared about the life of Dan Terry as told in the book Making Friends Among the Taliban by Jonathan P. Larson as well as in the EMU documentary Weaving Life. . I'm inspired, and yes, Dan Terry eventually lost his life following this path.
I've determined that the number one thing that holds me back from total immersion in the way of Jesus is FEAR.
-Fear of safety. (Do I dare engage the homeless man in conversation?)
-Fear of change. (Do I dare alter the pattern? What if "things" go badly? This has worked for sooooo long. )
-Fear for my family. (Do I dare have dinner with those neighbors whose religion, sexuality, skin color, (fill in the blank), is different than mine? ?)
-Fear of insecurity. (Do I dare live with "less"? Will I have enough? What if it's uncomfortable?)
-Fear of not fitting in. (Do I dare sit with the "odd" person at lunch?)
-Fear of messing up my schedule. (Do I dare stop to help that woman change her tire, and risk being late for my appointment?)
- and on and on.....
Jesus calls us to a way of life that is outside of our comfort zones; outside of our known boundaries; outside of our families, yet we continue to rationalize often using the Bible as a crutch to remain in unChrist-like behaviors and patterns. (Think on the parables Jesus told, the sermon on the mount, his meals with the outsiders, the death on the cross....) I feel like instead of Jesus trying to herd us all into God's house, Jesus tore down the walls and said, God's house is everywhere!
I've faced some of my fears and realized they are unfounded. Jesus called us to a new way of life, "You have heard it said, but I say..." But it truly does seem to be a constant struggle; I've miles to go before I sleep.
(Oh, one more fear: Fear that people will think I'm a heretic. Look where that got Jesus!)
I also realize that Jesus said that in truly following him we may literally lose our lives. But, if I truly believe, of what am I afraid? Has not death lost its sting? Help me, Lord, to live life as you have called me to live!
I'd love to discuss these things with you.... :)
This week Brother Nelson will share a message he is calling, "Knowing God, a Joint Venture." Scripture passages include Luke 10:25-37; Colossians 1:1-14; Psalm 25:1-10; and Deuteronomy 30:9-14. Nelson says, "We will be thinking about our efforts to know and experience God, some of the things we do that interfere with knowing God, and ways we can keep growing in 'the knowledge of God's will and all and all spiritual wisdom and understanding.'"
Our worship service begins at 10:15 am, and you are also welcome to joy in conversation in the Upper Room at 9 am. Perhaps our topic will be "fear."
Tonight the VBS final hurrah is a carnival at the church from 6-8:30 pm. Come out and join the fun! (If you'd like to help, we could use a few more people. Let me know!)
Kiersie, we're waiting with you! Many blessings!
Nate is somewhere near Okinawa. We're praying for you.
Some of you are job hunting, house hunting, test taking, bill paying, marriage prepping, baby caring, vacation taking, relationship struggling, etc. modes-- If you specific prayer needs or need to talk, don't hesitate to contact me.
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,
Love and Light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd
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