Susan Boyle is a name with whom many of us are now familiar. (OK-- if you're under the age of 30, don't stop reading!) A few short years ago she was relatively unknown other than in her own Scottish village. She was bullied as a child and called, "Susie Simple." At 47 years old she tried out for "Britain's Got Talent in front of Simon Cowell and his crew and stood on the stage looking dowdy, appearing unrefined, and as a "joke." Her interview and performance brings tears to my eyes every time I watch. Ok, sometimes I watch it and cry like a baby. Is it the song choice? Partially. I also think some part of me relates to her. We are, after all, the same age. What really strikes me as I watch this clip, are the faces and sneers, the titters and whispers, the seeming doubt and disdain for a woman based entirely on her appearance. Her place in the pecking order was obvious. She was not one of the beautiful ones. She was not one of the eloquent ones. She was not one of the well dressed ones. Then she opened her mouth to sing. If you've never watched this, do so. If you've watched it before, do so again. I have no idea if this was all staged or not. (The cynical side of me suggests so.) But, you know? I don't really care.
"Picked or Pecked" is the title of Brother Mick's message this week. The sermon text is Luke 14:1, 7-14 and Hebrews 13:1-8,15-16. "In this scene from the gospel of Luke, Jesus speaks to his listeners about both the reality of life's pecking order and the hope of being picked to move to a better place at the table....The Hebrews passage calls us to view our interactions with others from a different perspective and reminds us that we have been given the ultimate elevation in being "picked" (forever loved) by Jesus the Christ." Please join us for fellowship from 9-9:25 with worship beginning at 9:30 AM.
I am heading out of town to visit my wonderful sister in AZ next week, so you'll just have to read one of my old posts next week if you miss my blog! :)
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,
Love and Light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd