Friday, June 6, 2014


Twirling, whirling, spinning, falling... When the wind was especially feral, my younger sister and I would go out to our spacious, front Illinois prairie lawn, stretch out our arms and spin. Like tumbleweeds, like pinwheels, like windmills, like helicopters, like mini-tornadoes, our skinny little wings stretched out as far as they could with hopes of catching enough lift to carry us high into the sky.  I am absolutely convinced that I once became airborne.

Breathe, Spirit of the Living God! Swirl and Dance! 
Spread your nourishing, nurturing, delicious, life-giving fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. Spirit Wind blow!

(The link "wind" at the top of the page takes you to a short clip of trees in my backyard dancing in the wind.)

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday; the believers were all together in one place, and suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind...Brother Mick's sermon text is I Corinthians 12:3-13. He says, "I am intrigued as I read this passage from I Corinthians and place it in conjunction with the Pentecost passage from Acts (2). It leads me to wonder what variety of gifts were bestowed upon the gathering of people that first day when the Spirit was poured out upon them...We continue to seek out that gifting and resourcing when we participate in the life of the church and draw closer to God."

This week the worship service is at 10:15 AM with classes at 9 AM.  Young adults, couples, college students, career folks-- please join me at 9 AM in the 1960 classroom for a light breakfast and time of "catch up." :)

Our ingathering for June is rather inJEANious, as we are collecting used jeans to be donated to the Material Resource Center which is part of MCC. Material Resource Center The jeans are recycled into sale-able items such as comforters.

There are a number of you experiencing challenges today.  I will hold you in prayer throughout the day. 

Would one of you Tremont readers eat some yummy turkey and a strawberry shortcake for me? Tremont Turkey Festival   8-)

Prayer for today: (Psalm.104) Creator God,you are clothed with honor and majesty. You are covered with light as a garment and ride on the wings of the wind! How abundant are your works!  The earth is your handiwork. Yonder is the sea, great and wide teeming with incredible creatures. The moon marks the seasons, and the sun knows when to set. God of all creation, we are yours for you have made us. 
     Open our eyes and hearts to see you in the indescribable beauty that surrounds us; open our eyes and hearts to seek you in the broken, ugly places that your transforming power may be made manifest. Open our eyes and hearts to see you in each other; sometimes that's really difficult!  Some of us are facing really difficult challenges today. Make yourself known to us, gentle God, even in these painful and challenging circumstances that Your peace which transcends all understanding will still our anxious thoughts and hearts.    
     Come Kingdom of God. Be done, will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name! AMEN. 

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!

Love and Light,

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd

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