Friday, March 25, 2011

Shaped Through Thirst

But the people thirsted there for water; and the people complained against Moses and said, “Why did you bring us out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and livestock with thirst?” Exodus 17

Good morning, Friends!

"Well, the LORD knows best," is the response I heard frequently from one of our dear church saints who has gone on to her heavenly home.  No matter that she could no longer walk easily on her swollen, arthritic knees. (She used to wrap her knees in plastic wrap at night finding some relief from the held in heat.)  No matter that she was sometimes lonely and in pain.  Her countenance would shine and her eyes sparkle as she might let you win at scrabble.  Her countenance would shine and her eyes would sparkle as she shared stories from her youth.  Her countenance would shine and her eyes would sparkle as she shared her troubles, aches, and pains, and she would always conclude with, "Well, the LORD knows best."
She was the exception.  Most of us are like the Israelites who in the moment of their thirst, forgot how God had been faithful, and yes, even miraculous in responses to them.   Most of us in our "here and now" generation think only of our discomfort for the moment and don't recall God's ongoing proximity with us.  Iva had lived God's faithfulness and even in adversity expressed knowing God's loving presence would be her sanctuary.    

This week Brother Mick's message on this 3rd Sunday of Lent is "Is the Lord with Us or Not?" We will travel into the wilderness with the Israelites in Exodus 17:1-7 as Moses is blamed for the lack of water,  and attitudes are gloomy. I hope you can join us as as we are challenged to look beyond the minutia to a more panoramic view.   Other texts of the morning include Psalm 95 and John 4:5-42.  I encourage you to read the texts ahead of time.  Check out

The upper room has lots of exciting goings on as Josh, Kristie, Julie, and others are jumping right into remodeling the area.  After church they plan to get out the paint brushes, so young adults, come on out to help! Julie mentioned pizza.... :)

Lily's CT scan was cancelled.  She'll be re-evaluated in a month.

My prayer for you today:  Creator God, in your hands are the depths of the earth.  The heights of the mountains are yours too. You took a bit of earth, shaped it, and blew life into it forming us in your image.  In these days of uncertainty and violence, of earthquakes and radiation, of joblessness and hunger, you open your arms and invite us into the sanctuary of your peace and the transformation of our lives. Help us to recognize your expansive loving presence. Come Kingdom of God.  Be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. 

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too.
love and light!
PS  Someone told me that if I want to be a sweet old lady, I need to begin practicing now. :)
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. " jd

Friday, March 18, 2011

"Shaped By New Birth"

‘Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above. John 3:3

Good Morning, Friends!

     "Mack, if you touch her one more time I'm gonna smack you."
     I was in a super store when I heard this voice screaming, yes, screaming at her child.  I was curious, ok, nosy, so I moved my cart close enough to see this yeller. There was a haggard, young woman pushing a cart with an infant girl in the seat and a young toddler in the basket.
      After a quick look, I moved on.  The yelling continued.  There was no whisper between clenched teeth, this was out and out shrieking.  By now the whole store knew this little guy's name.
     What was wrong with that woman?  Why did she keep yelling? I tried taking my shopping to the other end of the store, but I could still hear her, "You little brat!  Knock it off!" 
     I felt like I was trapped in a smelly elevator.  Why doesn't one of those workers with the smiley faces on their smocks do something?  Where is the manager?  Maybe someone should call Child Protection.
     I tried to shop.  I tried to shut out the frenetic, screeching voice. This female beast didn't deserve to be a mother.  This woman was horrible!   Someone should do something!!  If she's like this in public, what she like in private? Shoppers were exchanging knowing glances and shaking their heads in disdain.
     "Daughter, you are someone," said a tiny voice in my head.  "You are a mother.  You love children. You love me. You even teach parenting classes."
     Was the voice smiling?
      I don't want to get involved.  No.  I don't know what to do. This isn't my problem. The manager of the store should be doing something.
     "You are mine, and I love her too.  There is another way."

     The quiet voice in my head was reminding me of my parentage, of my new birth and transformation. The murmur inside my head was reminding me that "love" was now written on my heart and in my mind. But "self" still debated.  "I don't know what to do.  Why me?" 
     "Think, Carol. You know." 
     Meanwhile, back in aisle 7, the little boy continued to be harangued by his young mother.
     OK... death to "SELF!"      "Lord, show me a way."
I thought of the Christian Peacemakers Team Motto: "Get in the Way."  Could merely being a gentle presence with this conflicted young mom and her children make a difference?
     "Yes, Daughter, you can do that."
     I moved into the aisle alongside the cart with 2 very young children.  I pretended to be interested in the baby items on the shelf.  The little children immediately took an interest in me which changed the behavior of the "naughty" boy. I smiled at them; they smiled at me.  I started talking to the children in what I hoped was a nonthreatening way. I asked the mom their ages-- 10 months and 22 months.  No wonder she looked bankrupt.  I acknowledged to mom how frustrating it can be to shop with young children and how exhausting those early years are.  I continued to talk to the children , now smiling and pleasant, and for the first time in 15 minutes, the mom breathed.  She seemed to defuse, to relax. She spoke in gentler tones to her babies. 
After about 5 minutes, I offered God's blessing to her, and I moved on finishing my shopping in peace and quiet.
     Could I/Should I have done more?  Probably.  But at least I entered the pain.  When I claim God as my parent, it means being "reborn" to step onto the path of the Kingdom Way.    I took a baby step that day, but at least I was on the right road. 

     This week Brother Mick will be sharing the message for the second Sunday of Lent as we contemplate being "Shaped by New Birth."  The interplay between Jesus and Nicodemus about new birth, and their different perspectives will be explored as we look at John 3:1-17.  Other scriptures for the morning are: Psalm 121 and Romans 4:1-5, 13-17.   What does it mean to be born again?
     Let's keep Japan and the Smoker family in the forefront of our prayers.
Next Wednesday is the last official week of family night activities.  Gene Wenger hamloaves will be available that evening and henceforth until they are gone!
    There will be discussion in the upper room on Sunday morning at 9am.

     My prayer for you today:  "Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you." Is 54:10 
God of compassion, reveal yourself to each of us today.  Grant us an awareness of your presence.   Help us to listen to your whispers of encouragement and direction.  Thank you for the life of each reader and give each one courage to step onto the Kingdom Way; to be transformed into the beings we were created to be.   Lord, we bring before you the people of Japan and their land.  Reveal yourself in mighty and comforting ways.  Supply wisdom and courage, insight and protection, healing and hope. In your name, Jesus, we lay our thoughts, desires, thanks, and requests.   Come Kingdom of God.  Be done will of God, here, on earth as it is in heaven.  AMEN

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!  Call/text me! :)
love and light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "  jd

Friday, March 11, 2011

Into the Wilderness-- Shaped by Testing

Good morning, Friends!
     Dr. Pepper... are you kidding me?  I don't even like Dr. Pepper! 
     My friend June and I were with my sister Jo and cousin Jenny about to embark on a 6-7 hour hike in the desert near Tucson.  It was already 2pm, much later than the morning start we had originally planned.   When we got to the parking area at the base of the trail, we realized that with the exception of Jenny, we had forgotten our water bottles.  Let me recap:  We are about to embark on a 6-7 hour hike in the desert near Tucson, Arizona in the heat of the day without any water... Not to worry, my sister said, there is a beverage kiosk at the beginning of the path; we can get water there.  Well, June got the last bottle of water, Jo got 7-Up, and on my turn the only thing left in the machine was, yep, Dr. Pepper.  Ugh!
     Now we had choices to make.  "How far are we going?" I asked Jo with a bit of apprehension creeping into my voice.
She pointed across the expanse of dry landscape, cacti, and scrubby brush.  "Do you see where those 2 mountains merge at that V?"
 I raised my hand to shield my eyes and looked.  "You mean there?" I asked, pointing.
     "No. There," she responded redirecting my eyes to a far, far away junction of mountains. That's where we're going. During the rainy season there are gorgeous waterfalls."
     Ok... what to do?  We knew where we were going, at least Jo did. That was the one thing I had that June didn't; a trust in my sister.  But we were not prepared for this venture to the desert.  Should we go?  No.  But we did. I finished my Dr. P within the first 30 minutes of the hike. I'll save the harrowing details for another time, other than to say the sunset was beautiful, and we finished our desert trek in darkness just as the tarantulas were coming out to play.
     We have entered the Lenten season, the time before Easter that recalls Jesus' 40 day fast and subsequent temptation in the wilderness. The Lenten theme for this year is "Becoming Human:  Called and Shaped by Jesus." Brother Nelson will begin the series preaching "Shaped by Testing" drawn from passages recounting the choice of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3, as well as the liberating choice of Jesus during his temptation in Matthew 4.
 "Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. The tempter came.."
     Mick and Julie will be sharing in the Upstair room during Sunday school this week.  That's 9am!  (I will be in Washington DC enjoying  the opera.) :)
     College students on spring break-- It has been great to see some of you!  Enjoy the last hours of your respite.
     On Wednesday evening March 16 after the 6:15p meal, Brother Mick will be teaching "Which Bible, Whose Bible, My Bible" sharing information he has gathered on the many translations of scripture; pros and cons, controversy, scholarship, etc.  I have no doubt it will be very interesting and informative!   What translation do you use?  Why have you chosen it?
Sunday is the final day to submit your nominations for lay ministers of education and of worship.
     Also, if you'd like to receive/renew a subscription to The Mennonite give your mailing information to the church office. Another option is to receive Tmail updates to your email.  Check out and sign up!
     My prayer for you today:  Gracious Lord, your unfailing love surrounds us even as we are seduced by the temptations around us.  Somehow we think that in experiencing the enticements of the world, we will become more fully human.  Help us as we are tested in life to understand that it is in finding you, we are liberated; that it is in realizing we are your children, your creations, that our purpose and fulfillment will be found.  Come Kingdom of God.  Be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven.  AMEN
     Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too.  Contact me anytime!
love and light, carol
     "Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "  JD

Friday, March 4, 2011

Hurry Up and Wait

Good morning, Friends!
"Come on, we've got to get there before the park opens!"  so my thrill-ride loving husband would hustle us every summer as we prepared to go to Hershey Park.  The girls would don their Sketchers hoping to be categorized  "twizzlers" rather than a "hershey bars," and we'd rush to the park and join the throngs of kisses, jolly ranchers, and peanut butter cups.  Once inside,  we'd run to the
Comet, deemed a "high thrill ride" by the park website, and as some of the first sweeties in the park, we'd usually get on immediately . We'd buckle in; I'd find the pressure point on my wrist for nausea; press; and  ZOOM!
"Hurry, hurry, hurry, go, go, go!" After the Comet, we rushed to  the Sooperdooperlooper and again, we usually were able to get right on and suffered only minor whiplash from the jerky brakes on the coaster. The roar of our next "aggressive thrill ride" filled our ears as we hustled to the Great Bear.  Deep breaths, swallow twenty times, and wait. and wait....and wait...... and wait..............and wait................... and wait....................................and then.................. finally.................. WhooHoo! Hold on!!
This week Brother Mick is preaching a message entitled, "Hurry Up and Wait" drawing from Exodus 24:12-18, Psalm 99; Matthew 17:1-9.  Someone at church recently asked me, "What's an oxymoron?"  I think this sermon title qualifies.  :)
     The Exodus and the Matthew passages both tell of two very dramatic encounters whereby Moses and Jesus both intentionally encounter God's presence. You know, God is always with us, but so often we don't pause and wait in God's presence. Often in our prayers we pray, "God, be with 'so and so.'"  Perhaps we ought to change our language to say, "God, help "so and so" to be aware of your presence..." Am I intentionally being still and listening to my Creator.  Am I seeking the places where I can focus on basking in God's presence?
"Lord, it is good for us to be here," Peter says. 
Allison, I think it is apropos that I talk about Hershey park on your birthday week! :) Julie, it's your life-breath week too, but I don't know your roller coaster history!
Don't forget to join the Ridgeview Mennonite Young Adults facebook page. Check out the Saturday evening plans and join the upper room discussion on Sunday morning.
 My prayer for you today:  God, our Creator, you are with us. Let us pause and keep quiet, turn off our ipods and phones, our computers and tvs, our voices, and planning.  If we but pause and listen, we'll hear your voice. What will you say to us today, God?   We are yours, for you have made us. We are your people. You have given us the choice of going to the "mountaintop."  Thank you for these young people.  I'm glad you are with them in their journeys.  Bless them, Lord, and teach them your ways, help us all to listen.  Come Kingdom of God.  Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven.  AMEN
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too.  Never  hesitate to call.
love and light, carol
PS  My apologies if the story is a repeat.  I wrote about it somewhere before... was it the communique?
 "Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "  jd