Good morning, Friends!
Dr. Pepper... are you kidding me? I don't even like Dr. Pepper!
My friend June and I were with my sister Jo and cousin Jenny about to embark on a 6-7 hour hike in the desert near Tucson. It was already 2pm, much later than the morning start we had originally planned. When we got to the parking area at the base of the trail, we realized that with the exception of Jenny, we had forgotten our water bottles. Let me recap: We are about to embark on a 6-7 hour hike in the desert near Tucson, Arizona in the heat of the day without any water... Not to worry, my sister said, there is a beverage kiosk at the beginning of the path; we can get water there. Well, June got the last bottle of water, Jo got 7-Up, and on my turn the only thing left in the machine was, yep, Dr. Pepper. Ugh!
Now we had choices to make. "How far are we going?" I asked Jo with a bit of apprehension creeping into my voice.
She pointed across the expanse of dry landscape, cacti, and scrubby brush. "Do you see where those 2 mountains merge at that V?"
I raised my hand to shield my eyes and looked. "You mean there?" I asked, pointing.
"No. There," she responded redirecting my eyes to a far, far away junction of mountains. That's where we're going. During the rainy season there are gorgeous waterfalls."
Ok... what to do? We knew where we were going, at least Jo did. That was the one thing I had that June didn't; a trust in my sister. But we were not prepared for this venture to the desert. Should we go? No. But we did. I finished my Dr. P within the first 30 minutes of the hike. I'll save the harrowing details for another time, other than to say the sunset was beautiful, and we finished our desert trek in darkness just as the tarantulas were coming out to play.
We have entered the Lenten season, the time before Easter that recalls Jesus' 40 day fast and subsequent temptation in the wilderness. The Lenten theme for this year is "Becoming Human: Called and Shaped by Jesus." Brother Nelson will begin the series preaching "Shaped by Testing" drawn from passages recounting the choice of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3, as well as the liberating choice of Jesus during his temptation in Matthew 4.
"Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. 3The tempter came.."
Mick and Julie will be sharing in the Upstair room during Sunday school this week. That's 9am! (I will be in Washington DC enjoying the opera.) :)
College students on spring break-- It has been great to see some of you! Enjoy the last hours of your respite.
On Wednesday evening March 16 after the 6:15p meal, Brother Mick will be teaching "Which Bible, Whose Bible, My Bible" sharing information he has gathered on the many translations of scripture; pros and cons, controversy, scholarship, etc. I have no doubt it will be very interesting and informative! What translation do you use? Why have you chosen it?
Sunday is the final day to submit your nominations for lay ministers of education and of worship.
Also, if you'd like to receive/renew a subscription to The Mennonite give your mailing information to the church office. Another option is to receive Tmail updates to your email. Check out and sign up!
Also, if you'd like to receive/renew a subscription to The Mennonite give your mailing information to the church office. Another option is to receive Tmail updates to your email. Check out and sign up!
My prayer for you today: Gracious Lord, your unfailing love surrounds us even as we are seduced by the temptations around us. Somehow we think that in experiencing the enticements of the world, we will become more fully human. Help us as we are tested in life to understand that it is in finding you, we are liberated; that it is in realizing we are your children, your creations, that our purpose and fulfillment will be found. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. AMEN
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too. Contact me anytime!
love and light, carol
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. " JD
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