Friday, September 2, 2011

Our 16 hour power outage this week plus communicating with my sister reminded me of this little event from our childhood in Central Illinois.
"Someone's coming!  What should we do?"
My younger sister and I were playing with the kitties in the big old white barn. Earlier, we'd awakened to our mom telling us the power was off; we'd all overslept and she was late for work, so we were to stay home since we'd missed the school bus, and she didn't have time to wait for my 3 sisters and me to get ready.
Now someone was coming and would find out we weren't in school.  Mary Jo and I were both the kind of people who could be made to feel guilty with a single hairy eyeball, and if someone would think we were playing hooky, well.... without even a whisper to one another, we intuitively knew we needed to take cover.
"Quick! Let's hide in the tack room." 
Our tack room was a small room joining the center area of the barn where we kept our saddles and other equine equipment.  Lassie, (Clever, I know), our golden/collie mix was with us, so
we pulled her into the dirty, dark room next to the metal box mouse trap, and laid low.  My Uncle Charles was here to work on the tractor which was parked right outside the tack room door. We held onto Lassie and listened to my Uncle talk to himself.
After an eternity my older sister called us from the house, "Carol, Mary Jo!  Come here!" 
What to do? What to do?   Lassie decided for us, scrambling to her feet and pushing open the door.  We got up and followed her.  "Hey, I didn't know you girls were in there, " my uncle said in surprise. 
"Yep, we're here. Bye!"  and we dashed for the big old farm house.

When my sister and I were talking about power this week, she also mentioned what comes to her mind is the hymn "I Sing The Mighty Power Of God." Ahhh... now that is power that doesn't go out!

This week Brother Mick is preaching a message he is titling "I.O.U." in which we will be encouraged to "consciously be aware that we always 'owe' one another love." What an impact this gospel good news would have if wewould all live it.  Passages are Romans 13:8-14; Ezekiel 33: 7-11; Matthew 18:15-20.
Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8

You are invited to bring a symbol of your work this Sunday for Labor Day. 

The last I heard, the affordable housing discussion was rescheduled forTuesday, Sept. 6 @ 7pm.  If you are planning to attend, you may want to check with the church, Tony Gehman, or me to make sure it is happening!

Have you had a chance to schedule your photo for the directory?  The dates for pictures are Sept 19-21 at the church.  If you are not going to be able to come for a photo, please send a jpeg photo to me or to the church office asap!  Thanks!

Plans are developing for a baptism preparation class this fall.  If you have interest in joining, I'd be glad to talk to you about it.
OH, ask me about the guy from National Geographic who stopped at the church Thursday! :)

My prayer for you today: Creator God, you tell us that love if the fullfillment of the law.  You tell us to put aside the deeds of darkness and be adorned with light. When we walk in love and light, we step into the unfolding your Kingdom which continues to unfold. Grant us courage and faith to follow.  May it be so.  Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. AMEN

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too! Feel free to contact me.
Love and Light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "  jd

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