Friday, September 30, 2011

Some of you have heard this story before, so I hope you don't mind that I'm sharing it again. 
"You're nuts!" is what I heard, and I got "the look" from others when friends and family discovered I  was going to drive to Illinois from my Lancaster County, PA home with our 3 little girls; Alana almost 6, Korinne almost 3, and Taylor, 14 months.  Cliff wasn't able to get away from work, but I had not been to visit my family since well before Taylor was born, and I was going to take the minivan and go, just me and 3 little girls. Yeah, I had the usual questions bouncing around my brain, afterall the journey was a minimum of 13 hours drive time not counting stopage.  What if we had car trouble or an accident?  What if I got sleepy? How am I going to entertain the girls?   How am I going to go to the bathroom?  What if one of the kids gets sick?  But I was determined.

As I finalized my plans, I began really praying about the trip.  A guest speaker had challenged us to not pray for travelling safety, but rather to pray for an interesting trip that allows us to see Jesus as we go-- or something like that.  I decided a solo trip with 3 little girls would be interesting enough, but I definitely wanted to see Jesus along the way!

Anyway-- it was Sunday morning, the day before my departure, and I brought my plans to my women's Sunday school class.  They prayed for me and committed to be in prayer  for the next 10 days.
A few hours later we were home eating lunch when the phone rang. 
"Carol, this is Joy.  I felt the Spirits's prompting, and I'd like to ride along with you to Illiniois.  I would come back to PA on the bus or train or something once we got there."
And people think I'm crazy? I told her I'd talk it over with Cliff and call her back.  I hung up the phone and started to cry. Now, you need to know I am  fiercely independent person with an  "I can do it myself" attitude. (I once attempted to change a flat tire by myself in the heart of an Indiana winter with 2 feet of snow on the ground; I failed.) I was deeply touched by Joy's offer but thought, I will do this myself-- afterall, won't Jesus be along too? 
Then the quiet voice in my head spoke. I've been praying about this trip, others are praying about this trip, and Joy Lapp, queenmother of small children, has offered to go with me.  God has provided Jesus to travel with me in the human form of Joy! "Why, Carol, are you refusing?"   So I called Joy back and said, "Yes, please!"

The trip took us 18 long hours; one of the girls threw up before we even got to Harrisburg, less than an hour down the road. But we made it. My pride (or was it feelings of unworthiness?) almost prevented me from receiving this amazing gift.  When I got home (which God provided help for too) I found a note in my church mailbox from one of the older saints who knew nothing about the trip dated the day we left for IL.  "Carol, our Sunday school class was encouraged to pray for a young mother this week, and I wanted you to know, I'm praying for you."   Joy and I have since had many amazing adventures together, and she continues to bless my life and the lives of others over and over again by her openess to hearing and obeying the voice of the Spirit.   Love ya, Joy!

This week Brother Mick will be sharing a message he has titled, "No Bootstraps Here" expounding on the unity of our fellowship together and the way we struggle with allowing others to share our burdens.  Philippians 3:4-14 is the sermon text and supporting passages are Isaiah 5:1-7 and Matthew 21:33-46.  We, together with Believers around the globe, will be sharing the bread and cup symbolizing Christ's presence among us and the "One Body" we are through Jesus. 

     In the Upper Room on Sunday, we will watch a video of Shane Hipps speaking at the Mennonite Convention in July.  If you've not heard him before, I think you will be challenged and inspired!
     Congratulations to Eric Yoder who passed all 4 parts of the CPA exam! :)
     Let's keep Craig Stoltzfus in our prayers as he begins a 2 week stint in Alabama with MDS working on repairs from tornado damage.

Brother Mick has knee replacement surgery on Monday. Think he will follow his own advice as he recovers and allow us to be a part of the healing? ;)

My prayer for you today:  Creator God, you are present in the stuff of our lives and invite us to be present with one another as a body, your body; laughing and crying together, helping one another with living and dying.  Open us, Lord, to your Spirit's guidance in our relationships.  Remove our fears, pride, and sense of unworthiness to receive the gifts you offer through your people.  Bless Craig as he serves you with MDS and builds new relationships in Birmingham. Thank you, Lord, for Eric's gift of a sharp mind.  Thank you, Lord, for Joy who embodies your love and service to so many and especially me.  Your word tells us that when we have love for one another, others will know whose we are.  Come Kingdom of God. Be done, will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven.  In Jesus name.  AMEN

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
love and light, carol  

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "  jd

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