Thursday, December 29, 2011


The Epiphany-- the recognition of the Christ by the Magi, those 3 kings of the Orient of whom we sing; a most amazing understanding of truth.

An epiphany-- an "Ahh Ha!" moment; a sudden understanding of the meaning of something or insight of perception.

I love those moments of "Oh, Yeah! I get it!" Or "Ohhhhh, I wonder if it's because of...." I'll bet one's brain would light up if one would have such a moment during an MRI of the noggin. 

 I had such a moment this week as I thought about my family and our Christmas celebration.  Even though our daughters are now young adults (AND we even have a son-in-law in the mix) our enjoyment, laughter, and fun is more wonderful than ever.  We still hang stockings on bedroom doorknobs to be opened at whatever time the girls and boy awaken, and the gifts are placed under the tree when they go to bed.  Awakening early, we share our love and gifts for one another as we celebrate Immanuel, God With US!

My "Ohhhh, I wonder if...." epiphany came as I thought about Santa Claus.  Santa has always been "a fun pretend" with our daughters. They knew that some children really believed, but they understood that Santa wasn't real. As a child I was one of the true believers of this jolly elf and was thoroughly devastated to learn the truth about Santa from my friend Bunny on the school bus, although I admit to being relieved Santa couldn't see me in the bathtub! Bunny told me there wasn't really a toothfairy which led me to put 2 and 2 together (I was a bright child), and I came to the realization that Santa, the toothfairy, and yes, even the Easter Bunny was all trickery!  

(Please know I'm not trying to bash your traditions at all! I'm merely wanting to share a bit of my story and thoughts of my own journey.)  My epiphany came as the thought flew into my head, "Oh, maybe our family never lost the "magic" of Christmas, because we never embraced the Santa fairytale."  Our Christmas celebration has always been based on the Jesus story.  Our girls would play Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus all the time during Advent. Perhaps the "magic" of Christmas remains alive and well because it was never lost when the truth about Santa was discovered.

 Whatever your family traditions are, hold to the truth about Christmas.  The mystery and magic of the nativity story and life of our Christ is alive and well!

Brother Mick will be preaching from Matthew 2:1-12 which tells the story about the visit of the wise men to Jesus and the subsequent change in their lives. His message is entitled, "It Starts Here," and we will be challenged to face the New Year with transformation through our relationship with the Christ.

There is no Sunday school this week.  The service will begin at 10:15am.  There will be coffee available preservice. :)

Congratulations to Kevin and Rachel on the announcement of a baby arriving this summer!

It's been great to see many of you home from afar.  Any of you up for coffee or lunch next week? 

Thanks to Laura for joining the senior high youth on the cold, wet, and rainy trip to Central Market in Lancaster. No, we did not spot Lady Gaga.

My prayer for you today: God of mystery and light, touch our lives today that we might experience you in new and transforming ways.  Our journeys are all different, yet you travel with us.  Open our eyes to recognize you. Peace, Hope, Love, Grace, Joy, Light-- envelop us in your Presence--Immanuel-- with us, never to leave us nor forsake us.  Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. AMEN

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too. 
love and light,

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend!" JD  

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