Just a few miles from our home is the nest of a spectacular pair of eagles. The nest is the size of a mini cooper, and folks with cameras and binoculars are frequently "oohing and ahhing" over the strength and beauty of these birds. Even people who are unable to define "ornithology" stop for a gander at these feathered creatures! Those of you who are my facebook friends know that I have a fascination with birds. Yep, I'm one of those people you'll find turning her head when a flash of color or movement catches my eye, and the sound of "drink your teeeeeeeeeeeeeaaa" gets me out of my chair and looking for that Eastern Towhee in my backyard. One of my favorites is a small brown bird called a Carolina wren. She's cute and perky, and I see and hear her almost daily.
http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/carolina_wren/id/ac Though she's not flashy, large, or dazzling, I delight in her presence at my home, and I continue to attempt to capture her photo.
"More Molehills than Mountains" is the title Brother Mick is giving the message for Sunday morning. Our scripture text is from Mark 9:2-9
http://bible.oremus.org/?ql=120428023%20. Peter, James, and John are with Jesus on the mountaintop when Jesus is transformed and joined by Elijah and Moses. Wow! Can you imagine? Read the title again. Our lives consist of more molehills than mountaintops, more wrens than eagles. How are we to remain faithful in the ordinary stuff of our lives? You are invited to join us as we learn and share together!
Wednesday, February 22 is Ash Wednesday and the sanctuary will be set up for a self-guided with written directives, meditative service opening at 8am. Corporate times will be at 12 noon and 7pm.
(Does anyone want to meet for fasnachts or pancakes on Tuesday?) :)
Etta will be joining you in the Upper Room at 9am on Sunday.
Check out Ridgeview's new and improved website.
http://www.ridgeviewmennonite.net/ Thank you, Webmaster Morgan!
Taylor remains in Guatemala with her EMU group. Check out the blog she is keeping with 2 of her friends.
http://laurarachtay.blogspot.com/ Please continue to pray for her and the group. They have faced some difficult challenges, and this mama is thankful and grateful for God's presence with them during these stretching times.
Anthony will be having surgery on the 22nd as the next step in his treatment for cancer. Keep praying!

My prayer for today:
The Mighty One, God the Lord, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting-- in oranges, yellows, reds, pinks, purples, blues, greens; so many hues, tints, and shades. Creator God, your house stretches across the universe and is not contained by walls or borders. Your people come in all shapes, sizes, colors, political views, ages, and from all corners of the earth. Grant us a vision of your goodness. Fill us with songs of joy and beauty even when there are dissonant chords around us, for nothing can separate us from Your peace and love. Lord, bless each reader with an awareness of Your beauty. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. AMEN.
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
love and light,
Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend!" JD
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