Acrobatic little squirrels are our closest neighbors. Our dog is blind to them, and these "tree rats" as we sometimes call them seem to think they own the place. An arsenal of small stones is frequently found on our deck railing so my hubby can pepper the little stinkers when they're after the bird seed. "Talking" with their tails, playing tag, and leaping from branch to branch, I love watching them. A number of years ago Cliff gave me a clear globe bird feeder that was advertised as "squirrel proof." Ha! Is there such a thing? One Saturday morning Cliff saw a little chatterer sitting inside the feeder snarfing seed, its busy bushy tail sticking out toward him. Having hit the mother lode, the critter was oblivious to man's presence, so Cliff decided to see just how close he could get to our thief. Well, he got close enough! How many of you have tweaked a squirrel's tail? Oh, to have had the video camera rolling!

Brother Mick will be inviting us to reflect on the wonder and power of our amazing Creator this week as he shares a message he is calling, "Think About It" based on Isaiah 40:21-31, a beautiful and powerful passage. 40 Does our arrogance prevent us from of worshipping our mysterious and creative God more fully? Do we trust enough to embrace the Mystery?
This week Etta will join you in the Upper Room. :)
Wednesday night activities will involve storytelling and photos from Palestine and Israel with Curtis Book, Peace and Justice Coordinator from MCC East Coast. Supper at 6:15- Program at 7pm.
My prayer for you today:
Creator God, you've numbered the stars and counted the hairs on our heads. That you care about each of us is mind boggling, yet you do! Thank you! Thank you for Jesus who demonstrated what love really is. Some of us are struggling with health. Some of us are struggling with finances. Some of us are struggling with relationships. Some of us are living in fear. Yet, when our hope is in you, our strength is renewed. When your love is made known, our perspective is changed. When we trust in you, we become whole. Make us vessels of your Holy Spirit that your healing and hope will pour out of us to the broken and anxious ones around us. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus Name. AMEN
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,
Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend!" JD
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