There's at least one buck left in the woods! |
Preening Mourning Dove |
How many birds do you see? |
Do you see this little feathered "leaf?" |
I've noticed something. Living in the woods and experiencing the creatures, trees, shrubs, flowers, insects, and arachnids on a daily basis, I've learned to see more easily those camouflaged critters that blend so well with their surroundings. Years ago before moving to the timber, Cliff and I were hiking a trail with another couple one of whom was an experienced hunter. At one point in our walk, he paused and said, "There's a deer over in that brush." Only with Don's help, did I actually see her. "How do you do that? How did you spot her when she blended in so well?" He explained how with practice, desire, and experience your eyes distinguish the incongruous lateral lines, curves, and shadows. You learn to see from a different, deeper perspective.
"Vision Correction" is what Brother Mick has titled his message for Sunday with the primary scripture passage being John 12:20-33. In his pre-sermon notes, Mick says, "Spirituality is finding the balance between seeing things 'as they are,' and 'as they can be.'" From what perspective are we seeing one another? Creation?
Electives will continue at 9am and the worship service begins at 10:15am.
Play Ball! Ridgeview will again be having a softball team. If you're interested in joining the team, contact Jason or Rich. The season opener is April 9. My, how time is flying!
Heidi is still collecting recipes for the church cookbook until this Sunday. Be sure to submit your favorite!
Here is the link for the Ridgeview site where you can check the bulletin and the many happenings.
Congratulations going out to Jul and Tyler! :)
Please continue to be in prayer for Anthony, Craig, Mim, and others who are facing challenging health issues. Strength! Hope! Light! Healing! Peace!
My prayer for today: Great Divine, write your commands on our hearts. Let us love you and love our neighbors. Let us respond to one another as we see each other made in your image. Wrap our dear ones who are suffering illness in your healing light and love. Grant peace and hope to those caught in the vicious and ugly jaws of violence and hatred. Come Kingdom of God. Be done, will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. In the name of Jesus. AMEN.
Without question and doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,
Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend!" JD
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