-Said father to magic years daughter, "And what would you like to be when you grow up?" And sweet daughter replies, "A BUTTERFLY!"
-Said friend to me after her little cotton candy ball of canine peed on me, "Oh, I'm glad it was you."
-The little girl visiting in my office was showing me how high she could count...126, 127, 128, 129, 120-10, 120-11...
-Oops. It's Wednesday, not Thursday-- after texting "Good luck" to my hubby for his Thursday eve championship soccer game.
-Me: "I've never really watched the Veggie Tales." Friend: "Oh, it's like Christian Monty Python for children."
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Proverbs 17:22 (KJV for my friend Val)
Thanks, Friends! You help keep my heart merry!
From joyful palm branches to darkness and pain, our service on Sunday marks the beginning of Passion Week. We remember. We confess. We cry out. Lord, have mercy on us. The 10:15am service will be scripture and music with Brother Nelson leading us in this time of reflection on the valley of sorrow and pain our Jesus walked. Thanks, Friends! You help keep my heart merry!
This Sunday is the conclusion of our 9am elective classes. After Easter we will resume our regularly scheduled programming.
On Easter Sunday there will be an early service at 8am led by the senior high youth followed by a 9am brunch. Our Resurrection service will begin at 10:15.
Please continue to pray for Craig, Anthony, and others who are undergoing treatments for cancer.
Have you seen the Hunger Games? What do you think of it? Am I a loser or confident since I went to a matinee alone? ha!
My prayer for today: Creator God, wrap your loving arms and blanket of comforting light around each one today. Place a hedge of protection around those in danger's path. Grant courage and strength as each faces the trials and challenges of life. Let your Peace which transcends all understanding rest upon us through your Spirit, and pour out from us as a healing balm to our wounded and needy neighbors. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,
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