Friday, August 31, 2012

It's a Doat!

c1994 "Mommy, Mommy!  It's a doat! It's a doat!" 

A doat, a doat, a doat, my mind began to process and interpret my 2 1/2 year old's language.  D = C  so "doat" is really coat.  Hmmm.... I absentmindedly shooshed a little wasp away as I released Taylor from her carseat in the Yoder's Country Store parking lot.  The heat was overwhelming, so surely no one was wearing a coat today.
"A doat!" she pointed to the small wasp.
"OH, you mean a yellow jacket,"  I laughed.

In the spare moments of my days you are likely to find me outside with my simple camera either sneaking up on hummingbirds or skipping after butterflies and bumblebees. (I suspect my fam is relieved that we live far enough from the road that no one sees me.) I'm filled with joy and wonder at  our Creator's handiwork and lessons in nature. I'm no entomologist, but I appreciate the focus and important work of the pollinators.  Oh, that we could remain so focused on Kingdom building and not be distracted by the issues that keep us from loving God and neighbor!

Brother Mick's message on Sunday is "Seeing the Big Picture" with his exegesis on Mark 7:1-23. What are the issues and diversions that align us with the Pharisees and scribes rather than with the Christ? The response song Mick recommends is "How Can We Be Silent" by Michael Mahler in Sing the Journey.  Take a moment and read these words: 

-This week is the last of our summer schedule; fellowship time will begin at 9a with worship at 9:30a.
-We are continuing to gather 6oz toothpastes, bath towels, bar soaps, and teeshirts for the food pac program which provides food for low-income families in the Pequea Valley school district.
-In response to the Syrian crisis, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is shipping relief, hygiene, school, and infant care kits to neighboring countries to care for refugees.  On Sept. 16 you will have an opportunity to share in an offering to help fund this.  There are also cloth bags on the MCC table to make kits.
-Blessings, Blessings! to those of you getting married this month!  :)  September seems to be THE month! 
-Craig is doing well post-operatively and is back home! :)

Prayer for today:  God of all creation, we thank and praise you for the beauty of your world. Open our eyes to see your presence.  Open our ears to hear your voice. Open our hands to share your love.  Open our minds to understand your ways. Open our hearts to love You and our neighbors. Come and fill us with your Holy Spirit that we can share your light to those in darkness; your justice to those who are broken; your peace to those in strife. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus' name. AMEN.

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Coffee, anyone? 
Love and Light,

Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "  jd

Friday, August 24, 2012

"But I think I'm killing her!" 

Before nursing clinical simulation centers included a lifelike "SimMan" on which to practice, the students themselves served as the dummies.  My friend Beth and I practiced venapuncture (putting needles into veins), bed baths, and went so far as having to set up an enema, thankfully without turning on the water, on each other.  However, for all the poking, prodding, and exposed body parts, inserting nasogastric tubes on each other was like being in a horror scene from Dr. Franklin's Island.

An "NG" tube is a plastic flexible straw-like tube that goes in through the nose and extends to the stomach, its purpose being to either suck out contents of the upper gastrointestinal tract or as a sliding board to put things into the stomach.  As you insert it, you have to be very careful not to enter the airway and lungs which could result in, ummm, death.  Beth "dropped" one into me without too much difficulty if you consider uncontrollable gagging, eyewatering, and a sensation like fingers down a chalkboard not difficult.  Poor Beth, though, whether it was my ineptness or a crooked passageway, I couldn't get that #%*! tube inserted.  She was in obvious distress while my professor stood over my shoulder barking instructions. My eyes began to blur and my hands shake as I imagined the headline, "Nursing Student Kills Best Friend During Clinical Simulation;" the professor pushed me aside and finished the drill. Sigh.

Difficult stuff, yet necessary and even lifesaving.  During my years as an RN in a hospital setting, I inserted NG tubes successfully yet never without recalling my initial learning experience.  During my "Pinning Ceremony" at Goshen College  one of the speakers said, "You now have the tools and have learned how to be a nurse, but it is up to you to become one."   An understanding of the truth in this statement developed in the years following my graduation.

"If Walls Could Talk" is what Brother Mick is calling his message this week focusing on Joshua 24 and Ephesians 6:10-20.  How are we applying our faith and belief in our daily lives?  Are we walking the talk? We may know how to be a believer, but are we putting our head knowledge into daily practice? You can listen to sermons online (after the event) at  The worship service begins at 9:30am as we continue until after Labor Day with our summer schedule.

Craig, we continue to pray for you, as you face the challenges of each day.  You continue to inspire and bless me with the wisdom and attitude with which you live.
Check out Craig's blog at  You can also read about Craig's health journey on Caring Bridge at

College Students, I am praying for you.
Travis, blessings as you begin your new job and settle into life in sunny CA.
Teachers, I am praying for you too. :)
Awwww! Alana and Michael have a new kitty! :)
Ed and Kaylee, Ashlea and Bryan, Jul and Tyler-- wedding days fast approacheth!  Joy and Blessings!

Prayer for today:  Creator God, we praise you. You hear us when we call for help, and in you we take refuge. You never leave us nor forsake us. Lord, I ask that our college students would have a greater awareness of you as they adjust to their schedules, new people and places, classes, and dorm-life. Help them to maintain discipline in their studies. Thank your for their sharp minds and help them to be good stewards of the knowledge they acquire.  Bless the teachers among us with patience, gentleness, and kindness; grant them the ability to share their lessons with a clarity and an excitement that draws students into the learning. Thank you for Craig and bless his days with energy, joy, and healing and his nights with peace, comfort, and rest; guide the surgical and oncological teams in treatments and procedures. Creator God, you have shown us how to live; grant us courage to follow your will and way.  Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. AMEN.  

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too! 

Love and Light, carol

Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "  jd

Friday, August 17, 2012

Danger, Will Robinson!

Ridiculous and obvious to important and necessary, cautions and warnings are everywhere!

Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

-Warning: Do not attempt to remove the blade while the lawnmower is running or plugged into an outlet.
-Warning: Do not drive with sunshade in place.
-Warning: Smoking kills.
-Warning: Do not pass while opposing traffic is present.
-Warning: Flooding ahead. Turn around. Don't drown. 
-Warning: Soft shoulders, Blind curves, Steep grades, Big trucks. Good luck!
-Warning:  Hitchhikers may be escaping inmates.
-Caution:  Water on the road during rain.
-Warning:  Bottomless pit.  65 feet.
-Warning: Road closed. Salamander migration.
-Warning: Do not enter! Vicious alligator nest. (Cliff and I came upon this sign after having entered the Nature Preserve from end to start therefore viewing the sign after we had been tromping along in the swamp looking for 'gators.)

Then there's the parental warnings and admonishments:
-you might freeze to death                                                                           
-don't forget your lunch
-be careful!
-make good choices!
-drive carefully
-be careful who your friends are
-don't touch that!
-don't forget to brush your teeth 
-don't forget your prayers
-And my sisters and I heard before any venture outside the home from our mom, "Act like a lady."  When we got a bit older, I learned to retort, "Mom, I don't need to Act like a lady. I Am a lady!"

"Be Careful How You Live"  is Brother Mick's message examining Ephesians 5:15-20.  In his presermon notes Mick states, "...Wisdom and understanding do count for something. People need to be able to discern. We all need to be taught and comprehend some rudiments of theology so that we have the critical tools to discern what is authentic to our faith."  Hmmmm.... is it possible things are not always black and white?

If you live too far to join us on Sundays, you can listen to sermons on your computer at

This Sunday is also bring your guitar to church day.  Arrive at 8:45am for a tune up and be ready to strum along, both young and old!  Perhaps I'll go buy new strings for our guitar and attempt to play along-- as long as they stay with G, C, D I should be ok. :) Through Labor Day we have no Christian Ed classes, so worship begins at 9:30am with a fellowship time beginning at 9am.

College Students!  We will be offering a prayer of blessing for you as you begin a new school year.  I hope you can join us. Laura and Sarah, I'm sorry we weren't soon enough for you but know that you are still in our thoughts and prayers!

Toothpaste, bath towels, bar soaps, and tee shirts are being collected to go with the food pac program which provides weekend food for children of need in the Pequea Valley school district. The tees will be made into carry bags, and the items will be included with the food.

A prayer for today: Peace, joy, beauty, love, hope-- all good comes from you, Creator God. Completeness, wholeness, harmony, contentment, healing--can we truly comprehend? Open our eyes and hearts to truly experience you today. Open our souls to receive the love and light that is you. Nothing, neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from your love. Oh, that we can absorb even a portion of your mercy and grace! Today, let us live as your Kingdom people, responding to all creation with kindness and compassion. Come Kingdom of God. Be done, will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too! 
Coffee, anyone? :)

Love and Light,

Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "  jd

Friday, August 3, 2012

Wonders of Summer

August is here and  back to school advertising is in full swing. This eighth month of the year typically brings the adage "Where did the summer go?," and this year is no exception. With that thought, I began thinking about all the wonders of summer that I enjoy.  I'll  share some of mine, and I hope inspire you to make your own list today.

Ahhh... Sweet Summertime!

-dewy grass between the toes
-ice cream at Lapp Valley
-Obie, the big yellow dog (yellow in every way), snapping at buzzy bees

-hummingbirds warring with their invisible lightsabers
-the delicious scent of fresh cut hay  

-the ponderous voice of the ocean serenading me while I have a book in hand and feet in sand   
-peaches, blueberries, corn, tomatoes, peppers, lopes, watermelon
-black eyed susans, purple coneflowers, snapdragons, petunias
-the katydid choir joined by the firefly lightshow
-nature's babies
 -rollicking giggles, guffaws, snickers, and shrieks when the house is full
-walks and talks with my neighbor
-long, glorious days of warmth and light
-visit from the parents
-Jennie's pool
-butterflies dancing in the treetops
-the "good morning/ have a great day/ sleep sweet" harmonies of my feathered friends and their swimming parties on the picnic rock
-Saturday morning coffee on the deck with the hubby
-picking the wild raspberries and blackberries that grow in our little wood
-bats dipping and diving as they dine on mosquitoes

 I could go on and on and on.... Delightful, simply delightful...I'm savoring these days.  Next week I plan to do just that as I will be listening to a seaside sonata; therefore, there will be no communique.

August brings a change in the Ridgeview worship schedule as there will be no Christian Ed classes.  Fellowship time will begin at 9am with worship starting at 9:30am.   Brother Mick will be sharing a message he is calling "Standing in the Bread Line" which continues the passage from John 6: 22-34. A question he will explore during his exposition is "would we stand in line to receive the bread of Jesus or have we grown so used to having untold choices that we will choose to feed on what is easiest or most available?"  I won't be there, but I will either listen to the cd or online when I return!

August 19 is "bring your guitar" Sunday.  This is something new, and I like it!  :)  Check out the bulletin for more info.

A prayer for today: Creator God, I thank you for your divine presence, your spirit guidance and love. I thank for people. You have blessed us with many gifts and have plans for our lives.  Open us to hear your voice and walk in step with you.  Wrap us in your loving arms, Jesus, and fill us with the understanding of your Spirit. Renew our strength; fill our souls with your peace; intercede on our behalf providing whatever it is we need at this moment. Remind us that we are your valued and beautiful children, loved and accepted, not for what we do but simply because we are yours. May the peace and joy that is You flow through us to the people we are in contact with today. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!

Love and Light,

Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "  jd