Before nursing clinical simulation centers included a lifelike "SimMan" on which to practice, the students themselves served as the dummies. My friend Beth and I practiced venapuncture (putting needles into veins), bed baths, and went so far as having to set up an enema, thankfully without turning on the water, on each other. However, for all the poking, prodding, and exposed body parts, inserting nasogastric tubes on each other was like being in a horror scene from Dr. Franklin's Island.
An "NG" tube is a plastic flexible straw-like tube that goes in through the nose and extends to the stomach, its purpose being to either suck out contents of the upper gastrointestinal tract or as a sliding board to put things into the stomach. As you insert it, you have to be very careful not to enter the airway and lungs which could result in, ummm, death. Beth "dropped" one into me without too much difficulty if you consider uncontrollable gagging, eyewatering, and a sensation like fingers down a chalkboard not difficult. Poor Beth, though, whether it was my ineptness or a crooked passageway, I couldn't get that #%*! tube inserted. She was in obvious distress while my professor stood over my shoulder barking instructions. My eyes began to blur and my hands shake as I imagined the headline, "Nursing Student Kills Best Friend During Clinical Simulation;" the professor pushed me aside and finished the drill. Sigh.
Difficult stuff, yet necessary and even lifesaving. During my years as an RN in a hospital setting, I inserted NG tubes successfully yet never without recalling my initial learning experience. During my "Pinning Ceremony" at Goshen College one of the speakers said, "You now have the tools and have learned how to be a nurse, but it is up to you to become one." An understanding of the truth in this statement developed in the years following my graduation.
"If Walls Could Talk" is what Brother Mick is calling his message this week focusing on Joshua 24 and Ephesians 6:10-20. How are we applying our faith and belief in our daily lives? Are we walking the talk? We may know how to be a believer, but are we putting our head knowledge into daily practice? You can listen to sermons online (after the event) at The worship service begins at 9:30am as we continue until after Labor Day with our summer schedule.
Craig, we continue to pray for you, as you face the challenges of each day. You continue to inspire and bless me with the wisdom and attitude with which you live.
Check out Craig's blog at You can also read about Craig's health journey on Caring Bridge at
College Students, I am praying for you.
Travis, blessings as you begin your new job and settle into life in sunny CA.
Teachers, I am praying for you too. :)
Awwww! Alana and Michael have a new kitty! :)
Ed and Kaylee, Ashlea and Bryan, Jul and Tyler-- wedding days fast approacheth! Joy and Blessings!
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light, carol
Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. " jd
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