"Have you ever tried Double Dunker? It's the BEST!" a friendly younger than me woman spoke. "My kids love it, and I usually eat a spoonful or two when I'm dipping for them.
"No, I usually get cookies and cream or mint chocolate chip."
I learned from my dad the importance of having a freezer full of frozen yumminess.
"Diversity with Love and Compassion" is the title to the message that will be shared by Iris de Leon-Hartshorn, Director of Transformative Peacemaking for MCUSA on Sunday. That very phrase, seems to me, to be contrary to our natures as we tend to feel safe and comfortable in our sameness, and we face diversity with suspicion, dislike, and yes, fear. I have nothing against some samenesses like my same husband :), but I think if we don't consciously make an effort to add diversity, we fall into a rut of sameness which can result in stagnation and missed opportunities.
I don't know if it's proven or not, but I think that if I keep my brain flexing with little things like parking spaces, ice cream flavors, and music types, I'll be more open to diversity with love and compassion. Hey, we could do an experiement. Ok, not exactly using the scientific method here, but why not try some minor changes on a regular basis and see what happens? Let me know!
Challenges for this weekend
-Park your car in a different area
-Use a different coffee mug
-Salt and vinegar chips rather than regular
-Orange juice with pulp rather than without
-Switch which side of the bed you sleep on
-Brush your teeth with your nondominant hand
-Read the newspaper starting with the back
-Go home a different way
-Visit a different Sunday school class
-Have a conversation with someone who usually just gets a hello from you.
-Butter pecan rather than vanilla
-Mercy rather than judgment
-Kindness rather than meanness
-Gentleness rather than harshness
-Self control rather than tantrum....
Wouldn't it be grand if the Spirit Fruit of Love would overflow from us to our diverse and hurting world bringing a bit more of God's Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven?
Oh, Turkey Hill Double Dunker is my new favorite! MMM..mmmm good! (For health and safety purposes, it is advisable to eat in small quantities no more than once every week unless you are over the age of 91 in which case enjoy a bowl for breakfast if you so desire.) I won't be dipping until after Easter...
This Sunday is the first Sunday of Lent, the days before Easter where we are challenged to "tone-up" spiritually. Some of us have taken on or given up practices for the purpose of creating a greater awareness of God's presence with us, opening ourselves to God's transforming power. As I crave the sweets I usually eat, I will be reminded to pray and recognize that Jesus is the bread of life. Our theme for this Lenten season is "Ashamed no more..." In our explanatory flyer it says, "To live as Jesus means to live in freedom from shame and isolation....Through Christ our shame is taken away--God is doing a new thing." I hope you are able to join us.
Nelson will be in the Upper Room at 9am this week. Our corporate time together begins at 10:15am.
A little more information about Sister Iris' work: As Director of Transformative Peacemaking for Mennonite Church USA, she works to undo racism and build bridges between cultures toward a transformed intercultural church. I regret I can't be present!
In March there will be opportunities for Sunday School electives. Brother Mick will be teaching from the book The Naked Anabaptist: The Bare Essentials of a Radical Faith; Sister Val will be teaching Network: The Right People, In the Right Places, for the Right Reasons, at the Right Time, and various teachers will share Beyond the Present Time which follows the regular Adult Bible Study.
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,
"Always remember who you are, whose
you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a
difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this
weekend." jd
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