Friday, March 22, 2013

Time for a lighthearted and irrelevant tale. Pay attention, Grovies!  Last week I saw the parents of a student I had while serving as school librarian at Locust Grove , and his mom reminded me of a story that had us both laughing.

A regional gathering of librarians from the area Christian schools was taking place in my little space (Ohhhhh, exciting!) and most had arrived. (Ummmm.... and yes, some of them fit the stereotype I was attempting to break!) I'm sure you'd be shocked to hear that there was quite a clamor in the room as my desk telephone rang. One of the local school districts was calling for a reference for "Marshall" who was one of my students. I explained that this was not a good time to chat, so she instructed me to call later and leave a message.

When the last bibliognost had cleared out at the end of the day, I called the number given me and left a glowing review for this fine student wondering why they needed it. "Marshall is very active, but he follows directions well and is very respectful. Marshall is well liked by others and doesn't fight."
As I was driving home that evening I began thinking about my day and started cogitating on this student reference. Such an odd thing, really.  Then it hit me like a ton of books; my friend Marsha had asked if I would be a reference for her, and she had the same last name as Marshall.  Oh brother! I did it again!

First thing in the morning I called the number at which I had left the erroneous message.  As soon as I said my name, the woman on the other end of the phone busted up laughing. Yep. Uh-huh. I'm really glad to report that Marsha got the job in spite of her reference.

Laughter. Have you had some today?

Our Neighbors :) 
Brother Mick's message this week is called "Discipleship is not a Spectator Sport" with the sermon text being Luke 19:28-40. This is the story of the "triumphal entry" where Jesus' disciples follow Jesus' directions to find a colt, place their cloaks over the beast, and then help Jesus mount. Brother Mick will challenge us to consider the active role of the disciples and how we, too, might be vessels of God's kingdom work if we live in active, humble service proclaiming the good news rather than joining in with the power brokers and violent ways of our world. Listen on-line or better yet, join us for the service to see if I'm on track with this estimation.  Henri J.M. Nouwen says in his book Show Me The Way, "The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it...Having become sons and daughters as Jesus was Son, our lives become a continuation of Jesus' mission."
Holy Week Services: Maundy Thursday 6:15 pm, Good Friday 7 pm,  Early Easter Service 8:15 am, Easter Breakfast 9 am, Easter Worship Service 10:15 am.

This is the last week for our Sunday School electives. In what would you be interested for our next elective?

Brrrr... shiver, shiver, brrr! Come on Spring!

The quizzers are en route to Ohio. I can't think of this trip without thinking of Nancy, her family and the quiz team of that year. Remembering with love.

If you've not looked at Tynea's facebook page lately, now would be a great time to do so!! :)
Melissa, Jeff, and Brooke, I'm praying for you as you prepare to welcome Claire to your family next week!

Prayer for today: How precious is your steadfast love, O God! Under the shadow of your wings we take refuge. You are the fountain of life, and in your light do we see light. Psalm 36:7,9   Loving God, thank your for never leaving us nor forsaking us. Please grant an awareness of your Presence to the quizzers; please grant comfort and safety to Melissa and Jeff. We remember Nancy with love and ask for her family to have an extra measure of peace. Sometimes our lives sound like the cacophony of migrating blackbirds, and we don't listen for Your voice. We don't hear Your voice.  Let us be still and know You. For You are the hope, joy, and light of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus' name. AMEN.

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!

Love and Light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd

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