Friday, November 8, 2013

Last week as Cliff and I neared the end of our loooong journey to my parents' home in Illinois, I was scribbling like mad in my little journal.  Here are a few stanzas from that final hour of travel. I wish I had snapped a few photos too. My apologies to the English majors out there; I've not followed any poetic guidelines.... 

Clouds low, dark and ominous
Rolling, billowing

Farmland black and stretching, row upon row
Flat and rich

Blackbirds skydancing, kaleidoscope flowers
Swooping, synchronizing

Grain elevators reaching up like stalagmites
Unnaturally natural
Farm houses, deceptively lonely and disconnected
Veritably welcoming and neighborly

 Barns with window eyes and wide door mouths
Some containing more memories than hay and tractors

Broken down plows, manure spreaders, and wagons
Purposes fulfilled now serving as sculptures commemorating hard work and days past

I’m close now, so close

 Backroads, straight and empty; the memory drawer is opened, Laughing children, crying, teasing, singing, arguing on bus #4
Invisible children becoming visible only through my adult eyes—poor, so poor, dirty, troubled, smelly, abused.  Understanding awakened.

The beauty and familiarity of the prairie overwhelm me. The nostalgia of my homeland fills me with feelings of sadness, joy, pain, laughter, tears all jumbled into this body now over half a century old. For that which I see; for that which I experienced; I am so grateful. Illinois!

I wonder what it will be like for the refugee family who will soon be joining our church family. This move to the East was my choice, and I am able to travel home again. My Illinois family is able to come visit us. Even if our refugee family comes from horrible life circumstances, I've no doubt their hearts will be heavy with the sights, sounds, and tastes of their homeland they will miss; loved ones left behind. 

This Sunday Brother Nelson will be sharing the message "Are we there yet?" A sentiment that crossed my mind more than once as we traversed I 70 on Tuesday! His text is from 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5 where the early church wonders if they missed the return of Jesus. "In the message, I hope to explore what the hope of the resurrection and the return of Jesus means to us." The worship service begins at 10:15 AM.

Please join us for singing in the Rec room at 9 AM

The wolf will be howling in the church tonight, all night. Some of you know exactly what that means! 

The young adult class will meet with the senior high youth for two more Sundays as we finish the "Jesus Is___" series.

My prayer for today:  I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me. Because God is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:7-8
Creator God, thank you. You demonstrate your incredible love and grace and mercy through Jesus, yet we still struggle to understand and accept. We still tend to prefer walls, rules, and judgment to freedom, grace, and mercy. Thank you that you don't give up on us!  Thank you that you never leave us! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!  Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven.  In Jesus name. Amen. 

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd

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