I turned to the kids. "Grab your stuff. We're going to have to hoof it to the cabin from here. Be careful!"
Someone called out, "Can't we just sleep in here?"
With some of the youth wearing sneakers and moccasins rather than boots, the real fun began: the upward trek on a slab of ice carrying luggage, food, and sleeping gear. At one point my feet lost the workable snowy edge, and I found myself sliding backwards. Nathan offered a stabilizing hand, and I got back on course. Various lights from either phones, headlamps, or flashlights provided assistance for those of us without any illumination. The sound of a dropped 2-liter of root beer as it rolled and rolled and rolled and rolled provided laughter and warning lest "bowling for teens" became a new game.
Bruises, skinned knees, and ripped jeans resulted; I think all but 4 of us fell at some point. But helping and encouraging each other, we made it, AND I heard NO complaints from the youth.
As I've had time this week to reflect on our experience, I've thought about how this adventure is like life.
- We offer each other encouragement and aid
- We walk together
- We keep positive attitudes
- We wait for each other
- We help each other up when we fall down
- The right shoes are important
- We may get bruised and bleed a little
- We share our light
- We help carry one another's stuff
- We prioritize what we really need to carry

But the very first thing?
- We have to get out of the van
Brother Mick is back from his adventure in Argentina, and he will be sharing a word he has titled, "Fluctuating Faith." "Our journey through faith is seldom as rock solid and consistent as we may hope it to be or even say that it is." His text for the morning is Matthew 17 which tells of Jesus along with Peter, James, and John climbing the high mountain where Jesus is transfigured before them.
The worship service begins at 10:15 AM with Sunday school at 9 AM.
There will be an adult elective class on "Spiritual Formation" beginning Sunday and offered through the spring. Merv and Jan Stoltzfus, Joanne Dietzel, and Jane Hoober Peifer will bring leadership to these sessions which are based on a curriculum developed by Kairos: School of Spiritual Formation. Merv and Jan said that each class will "stand alone," so don't let inability to commit to all classes deter your attendance at one or more!
Sunday School singing at 9:50AM will occur next week, March 9, rather than this Sunday.
Our new friends from Burma/Myanmar hope to be present on Sunday. Be prepared to smile, nod, and communicate creatively!
There is a basket under the mailboxes to collect new flat sheets and/or blankets for MCC to distribute in areas of need.Mennonite Central Committee
Have Hope! Warm days WILL come again! |
Prayer for today: God of love and grace, thank you for each person reading this. Reveal your presence today in thought or heart, and
remind each one of the treasure he/she is to you. You are always with us, even
when we don't feel you. Help us to perceive you and realize
we are yours. Grant us courage to "get out of the van" and walk in your Presence and with one another in life. Jesus, you've shown us how to love each other; help us to
do so. Spirit, you are within us; awaken us to your wisdom
and direction. In the life changes we face, you are
ever-present. Thank you, Lord God.
Come kingdom of God, be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. AMEN
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd
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