My parents are people like that. With my mom's optimism for what "could be" coupled with my dad's unstoppable carpentry skills and "know how," they labored on an old broken-down farmhouse which became my family home. My memories of the process are few as I was only 4-5 years old at the time, but if I close my eyes and drift, I can smell the wood and paint; I can certainly feel the itch from falling asleep atop a
roll of soft, pink insulation; I can recall squabbling and playing with my sisters in an unfinished living room.
I wish I had before and after photos of the house to share with you.
I'm struck how the word "labor" is so appropriate as in a way, something new was "born," and I can attest to the abundant life that filled that old house!
What if we could see the value of our dry, old bones and be open to the transforming, life-giving power of the Creator in us? What if we could see each other with not as we are but rather as God intended us to be? What if...?
Brother Nelson is preaching a message called, "Renewed for Life," with scripture text from John 11:1-45 where Lazarus is called back to life. Additional texts include Ezekiel's valley of dry bones in chapter 37. Our focus statement for the morning is: "We encounter God in our mortality and our need for renewal. God replenished the "dry bones" of Israel, and Jesus brought Lazarus back to life. As we breathe, we witness God's breath, which restores creation. We wait with hopefulness for resurrection."
The service begins at 10:15 AM with Sunday school at 9 AM. I hope you can join us.
It is not too late to join the Easter choir! People of all ages are invited. Practices are April 8 and 15 at 7 PM.
Holy Week events:
April 17 Maundy Thursday Service 6:15 PM (A light supper will be offered.)
April 18 Good Friday Service 7 PM
April 20 Easter Early Service-8:15 AM; Breakfast-9 AM; Worship-10:15 AM
For the month of April we will be collecting food items such as cereals, granola bars, peanut butter, canned goods, etc. for The Factory Ministries The Factory Ministries.
Korinne Wenger is part of a team of Drexel University students initiating a "sneaker drive" for Philadelphia Nursing Home residents. During a recent visit, the students discovered many people did not have adequate footwear to enable safe walking. The students are collecting gently used (and cleaned!) or new adult sneakers of all sizes to distribute. I will place a box in the lobby for shoe collection; please tie the shoelaces together.
Prayer for today:
We Give thanks to you, Lord, we call on your
name; let us make known among the nations
your glorious kingdom of justice and peace.
Despite our brokenness and dry bones;
despite our forgetfulness; despite our unloving ways and impure motives you
continue to grant us grace and mercy—a love that endures forever. You offer living water to revive us from our dry bones. You are our
hope and our salvation. You didn’t say to us that you were so disgusted with us
that you sent us Jesus . NO! You said you LOVE us, the world, so much that
Jesus came to bring healing to our relationship with you. Thank you, Shepherd King! Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd
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