There was the time I was preaching a sermon, and as I'm prone
to do, I was fidgeting. Now obviously I couldn't fidget with my hands as that
would be noticeable, so I was twirling my shoe behind the giant pulpit.
Yep. You know the rest of the story. Multi-tasking was the next order of
business as I brought home my message point and tried to dance my toes around
the area "looking" for my shoe at the same time.
There was the time during church that several of us were overcome
with mirth as the Christmas song we were singing was to the tune of an
Italian love song that had us ready to tango down the aisle.
Try it.
Now these church stories may have resulted in serious cases of sophomoric silly giggles, but, dare I say, many times our countenances, actions, singing, and attitudes seem to suggest boredom or drudgery rather than praise and joy. Bubbly, always happy and charismatic little churchers aren't realistic or even desired; life is too painful for that. But in the "habit of church" have we misplaced Resurrection joy and instead settled into crucifixion fear and sadness or at the very least a "Ho-Hum, God's work is already done" expression?
Brother Mick's message "Euphoric Exuberance" invites us to "A rejoicing that frees us to laugh and sing and wonder at the greatness of God's redeeming work." His sermon text is John 20:19-31 where Jesus appears in a closed room where the disciples were gathered. The text I'm reading says, "The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord." Can you imagine?! (Perhaps that's part of our problem; many of us have tucked our imaginations into the bottom drawer of our childhood. Dare we open it?) Additional texts for the morning are Psalm 126 and I Peter 1:3-9.
The service begins at 10:15 AM with classes preceding at 9 AM. If you don't know what class to attend, there are options for everyone! Please ask when you arrive.
Laura and Taylor graduate from Eastern Mennonite University on Sunday. Congratulations! (That's where I'll be!)
Let's all breathe a prayer for Travis as on Sunday he runs a marathon! Go, Travis!
This is the final Sunday for the in-gathering of food for The Factory Ministries.The Factory Canned goods, granola bars, cereal... etc.
Prayer for today: Praise the Lord! Praise God in the sanctuary; Praise God in the mighty firmament! Praise God for mighty deeds; Praise God according to God's exceeding greatness! Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Psalm 150
Creator God, thank you for your living, loving, light-giving Presence. Thank your for the accomplishments of Laura and Taylor and grant them peace and wisdom as they prepare for the next chapters. Fill Travis with strength and perseverance as he runs.
Free us, Lord, from the binds that keep us from fully rejoicing in Resurrection joy.
Come, Kingdom of God. Be done, will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd
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