Friday, April 29, 2011

"Resurrection Rejoicing"

Photo credit: Taylor Wenger
I know a girl named 'Lana, who loves to ride her bike. 
She rides so fast you'd think she's flying, she'd rather ride than hike. 
One day when she was riding home, down our long, long, lane,
 out of nowhere a groundhog came,

Whew!  Talk about a flurry of emotions, from the elation of wind blowing through the hair and speed to abrupt shock and pain. That was the experience of our then 8 year old daughter as she a peddled her bicycle. Oh, I forgot to mention "anger."  Boy, was she mad at that critter! 

Our emotions are an important part of our makeup, and the scriptural story is full of the affectations of the  Bible characters.  The John 20:19-31 passage picks up after Mary Magdalene's encounter with the risen Christ, and the disciples are in a locked room because of their fear.  "Peace be with you," are Jesus' first words.  Wow!  Can you imagine the seismic emotional shift?  Brother Mick will be sharing  a message he has entitled "Resurrection Rejoicing" as we consider the absolute wonder as Jesus' followers comprehended his actual presence among them. 

Other happenings on Sunday include baby dedication for David, Smith and Rhonda Noel's son, and a "Haiti Benefit Meal" after church.  The Upstairs Room will be open during Sunday School albeit a bit messy as the revitalizing of the area is not quite complete.  Julie, along with a couple of assistants from the senior high youth,  worked on staining the trim on Wednesday night.  I made an appearance and promptly got stain on the walls...  :PCollege students who will be home, you will be welcomed!!

Good news about Lily!  At this point she is doing well and needs no further intervention for her breathing!  Now, if she'll just let her Mama sleep....

My prayer for you today:  Creator God, you show us the path of life. In your presence there is fullness of joy, and in your right hand are pleasures forever more.Ps 16:11    Lord, I ask your blessing of peace and grace over these young people as they journey.  Grant them an awareness of your ever-present Spirit.  Come Kingdom of God.  Be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven.  AMEN

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too! 
love and light, carol

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. " jd

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