Friday, May 6, 2011

Who Is It?

When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us* while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?’

Good morning! 
Last week the office administrator was away, so I answered the phone, "Good afternoon, Ridgeview Mennonite Church, this is Carol." 

Oh, Dear!

The voice on the other end said, "Hello, this is Cliff.  I need some information from Mick.  Is he available?"
 I replied, "No, he is out today.  Would you like his cell phone number?"  

Cliff replied, "Yes, please."  Cliff told me later, "I was trying to figure out what "Carol" worked in the church office.  Carol B? It didn't sound like her." 

 Then I said, "I'll work on getting screens in the windows at home  this afternoon, before we bring the girls home from EMU."  Then it dawned on him-- He was talking to Carol Wenger, his wife!  :)

(Permission granted from Cliff before the retelling of this story! I like to think Cliff's heart was burning within him as he was trying to discern the voice with whom he was speaking.) ;)

This week Brother Mick is preaching a sermon entitled, "If I had a Dollar...." We'll examine the passage from Luke 24:13-35 soon after the resurrection where Jesus joins two believers who are discussing the amazing events of his life and death, still unsure of the truth in the rumors which are flying.  They do not recognize their Lord and Saviour. How many times do we fail to recognize the presence of God in our lives? I hope you can join us on this mother's day Sunday to hear the words of scripture and discuss the meaning of Christ's presence in our lives.

Korinne Wenger and Ian Mast have arrived safely in Honduras where they will spend the next 6 weeks studying with Eastern Mennonite University's cross-cultural program and building relationships with their hosts.

Julie Denlinger will be having knee surgery on May 12 to repair a tear in the meniscus.  Crutches with no weight bearing are on tap for the next 6 weeks.  :(

If anyone wants to help the senior high youth mulch the church grounds, come on over to Ridgeview at 7pm Wednesday the 11th.  We will also be mowing Albert and Frances's lawn for the rest of this month, so let me know if you'd like a turn. :)

My prayer for you today: Great God, creator of the heavens and the earth, it is in you we put our trust.  Well, Lord, at least we try.  I confess we often put our trust in the things of the world, in our locks, weapons,and armies as we live lives of fear. rather than trust.  Help us not to lean on our own understanding of the world, but to trust in you with all our hearts.  Help us to open our eyes and minds to your presence with us.  
Thank you for never leaving nor forsaking us.  Grant clear minds and good "rememberers" to our students who are taking exams and finishing papers. Grant Kori and Ian an awareness of your Being with them as they travel, meet new people, and experience a different culture.  Grant Julie peace and healing as she has surgery this week. Thank you for the opportunities we have to be love and light to others this week. Thank you for being our Hope.  Grant us courage and wisdom to respond in the Kingdom way.
Come Kingdom of God.  Be done, will of God; on earth as it is in heaven. In the name of Jesus. AMEN

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. " jd

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