This week one of our scriptures is the familiar "Rejoice in the Lord" passage from Philippians 4. Sometimes I use verses 4-9 as a prayer guide which I thought I'd share with you today.
Express your current feelings to God. Lay them at the Divine's feet and ask for the Spirit fruit of Joy to fill you in spite of your circumstances. Be "real" with God. If you don't feel like rejoicing, tell God.
Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
Acknowledge God’s presence and consider what it means to be gentle. Invite the Spirit fruit of gentleness to flow from you.
Take 7 deep breaths breathing in through your nose and out through pursed lips consciously thanking God for being God, for being present, for love and grace—whatever is in your mind and heart for which to give thanks.Spend a few minutes sharing your concerns and life stressors with God—write them down if that helps you to release them to God’ s loving care.
Dick Thomas will be sharing the message on Sunday. Our Brother's message is entitled, "Rooted in Shalom," and he will be drawing on Philippians 4:1-9 which begins with the acknowledgement of disagreement between two Kingdom workers, as well as Psalm 23, Matthew 22:1-14, and Isaiah 25:1-9. If you've ever received correspondance from Brother Dick, you know that his closing salutation is "Shalom" and is a word to which he gives great consideration and significance.
Brother Mick returned home yesterday after a total knee replacement on Monday. Julie told me she kissed (literally) the knee she married good bye before he went to surgery! :)
Today you will have opportunity to pick up an MCC grocery bag in the lobby. These need to be filled and brought back to the church by Oct. 19. As you can imagine, there is a tremendous need for them this year.
Wednesday family night activities have begun and start with a wonderful meal at 6:15pm. On October 12 and 19 from 7-8:15p Linda Witmer will be sharing about the church and poverty. Two books that are background reading for these sessions are Bridges Out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities by Payne, DeVol, and Smith; and What Every Church Member Should Know About Poverty by Ehlig and Payne. Please come!
In the Upper Room on Sunday, we will watch the second session from the Mennonite Convention 2011 featuring Shane Hipps. You will be challenged and inspired. :)
I am aware some of you have tough stuff going on in your lives-- know that God cares and so do I. Don't hesitate to contact me!
My prayer for you today: Creator God, we rejoice in you always! I'll say it again, we rejoice! I confess that with all those grey and rainy days in a row, I was feeling rather like the weather. Today while the sun is bright, it is easier to be glad. Forgive my shallowness. You are always present with us; in the rain or sun; in illness or health; in the fun times or drudgery; in our sorrow or joy-- not to take away the tough stuff, but to help us carry it and provide church for one another. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus Name. AMEN.
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
love and light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. " jd
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