Hopedale Mennonite Church http://www.hopedalemennonitechurch.com/index.php became my home congregation when I was around 8 years old, and I began a journey with a community of people for whom Jesus was the center of life; a people (and I'm speaking collectively now of Mennonite Church USA http://www.mennoniteusa.org/) who take seriously the work of the Kingdom of God on earth even as it is in heaven. Imperfect? Yes! Striving to be faithful? Yes! In need of ongoing repentence and transformation? Certainly!
My first Sunday school teacher at Hopedale was an older, single woman who was known to be eccentric, yet a caring and wonderful individual.
One year when I was in high school, our youth group went Christmas caroling at Stella's home. She was ecstatic to see us. After that my sister Jo and I began to visit Stella at her country home, sometimes together, sometimes individually.
On arrival I would climb the steep and uneven steps, wondering how Stella managed without falling. A deep and wide "W O O F" came from the basement of the old farmhouse where she would put the giant dog anticipating my entrance. I never once, ever saw that dog. There would be a scramble at the door by the little yippy critter that was her inside protector. She warned that he might bite, so I kept my hands to myself and didn't make eye contact with Mr. Yap. But Stella, oh, when she saw me, she would grab me with hungry arms and dirty fingernails and squeeze till the puddin' was ready to pop out! We would make our way past the kitchen which was covered with dirty dishes and the occasional "pigs brains" containers, past the dining room where she kept her income makers, sweet little orange and yellow canaries she raised and sold which feasted on hard boiled eggs (I struggled to get past the cannibalistic imagery)and tossed their feathers and seeds everywhere, and into the living room where the giant Boston fern that had been her mother's, was keeping vigil.

When I was going to be married, Stella went into the back room and came back carrying pillow cases with lovely crocheted edges, and bath towels decorated with the lost art of tatting. She had made these for her own hope chest when she was a teenager, and she cackled saying she guesses that now in her 80's she wouldn't be using them. She wanted me to have them. I treasure them.
This week is Mennonite Heritage Sunday, and yes, we can and should go back to the 1500's and review the meaningful and important history/heritage of Anabaptism. Today, Mennonites are in communities around the globe, speak many languages, and we each have our own story. Whether you're Anabaptist or not, take some time today to reflect on your faith journey, the people who've impacted your life, the stories that are meaningful to you, and the places where Jesus has been exemplified.
Brother Mick is sharing a message on Sunday he is calling, "Gilding the LIly" from Matthew 23:1-12. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+23%3A1-12&version=NIV Jesus is talking about the Pharisees in this passage. What a reminder to look at ourselves! In a message several weeks ago Mick said, “The purpose of the gospel is to transform us—to make us more and more like Christ as we strive to live out the way that he(Jesus) demonstrates.” Hmm.... am I more like Jesus or a Pharisee as I live my faith?
-Congratulations to Jason and Sarah on the birth of Autumn Elise! I can't wait to have a snuggle. :D
-Sign up to help at the Material Resource Center in Ephrata on Saturday, November 5. I think the time is 8-noon. If you're interested, let me know, and I'll find out for sure. Helpers are invited to an Argentinean meal Saturday evening.
-I'd love to have you join me in the Upper Room on Sunday at 9am for conversation and prayer.
-Let's continue to keep Anthony Eldridge and his family and Mim Martin and her family in prayer as Anthony and Mim both begin treatments for cancer.
-Congrats to Nathan as he will be starting a new job in November!
-Congratulations also going out to Julie as a new homeowner!
My prayer for you today: Transforming God, as the leaves put on their colorful cloaks and the treetops dance in the wind, we see your beauty and presence in creation. Thank you. As we recognize your Presence in nature, help us to recognize your Presence in each other and ourselves. There is tough stuff, painful situations, hurtful relationships going on in our lives, and we struggle to see you. Give us pause to see. Give us pause to remember and reflect. Grant us courage, wisdom, and peace to face the challenges in our days. AS our hearts are broken with painful life situations, mend and soften our hearts to become more like you. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.
love and light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "
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