Thursday, November 17, 2011

Things that make me smile......

 Last week I challenged you to write down things that make you smile with the number of items matching your age. In these darker days of November, I find it helpful to think on these things! Here is my list.

 -Seeing my girls laugh and love together
 -Spotting a hawk sitting in a tree along I-81
  -The scent of the woods after a rain
  -Hearing a song on the radio that takes me back to a different time and place
 -Birthday greetings on facebook
 -That glob of hot fudge at the bottom of a sundae
  -When I'm reading a book so good that I can't put it down

  -The trees dancing wildly in the wind

  -Lying in bed and watching the changes of the sky from crimson to pink as the sun rises 
-The way the tree looks on Christmas eve after the gifts have been placed 
-Watching the family beast at soccer
-The warmth and scent of the wood stove
-Crawling into our bed after a few nights away from home

-The feeling of power as a plane takes off from the runway
-Finding out one of my PA friends knows where Tremont is
-When the girls were young, finding chicken corn soup, milk, and cookies waiting for us from my mom-in-law on our return from a vacation
-Fun snail mail
-Moon shadows
-The scent of curry which takes my memory back to Belize
-Going  to museums
-The way my mom's voice can twinkle
-Moser popcorn
-The way my dad shrugs his shoulders
-Seeing my girls happy with their boys
-The light saber sound of hummingbird wings   
-Saturday morning coffee on the deck with my hubby                     
-Curly sliding boards
-Blue jeans and comfy sneakers
-Waking up in the middle of the night with moonlight on my face
-Entering Tremont
-Obie's "nosy" thank you when fed 
-Stimulating conversation
-Cloud art
-Having someone tell me I don't look old enough to have a married daughter
-Having Kitty Pennie settle in my lap
-Family game night
-Hymn sing at Menno Convention
    -The hoot owl choir

-The first crunch of the stones on the lane when I get home
-The girls singing along to the radio in the backseat of the car after supping out
-Rocking a baby
-My hubby's deep set eyes and strong jaw
-Standing on the bank of the Mackinaw
-The first oriole in the spring
-Birds at the feeders
-Fawns in the springtime
I would love to read your "smilers" so feel free to leave them in comments, fb, or email me. :) 
This week Brother Mick's message title causes me to smile, "Praise the Lord and Pass the Potatoes."  As he delves into Psalm 95:1-7 and Ezekiel 34:11-16, our brother will take us beyond the trite to the "unfettered praise to God because of God's character and being."
For thus says the Lord God: Behold, I, I myself will search for my sheep, and will seek them out.....I myself will be the shepherd of my sheep, and I will make them lie down, says the Lord God.  I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed, and I will bind up the crippled, and I will strengthen the weak, and the fat and the strong I will watch over; I will feed them in justice."
At the end of the worship service, we will have a dedication of the Peace Pole.
The Upper Room continues to evolve as Bob and others transform it with their carpentry skills.  This week Etta will be joining you for discussion and prayer during the 9am hour. 
Check the bulletin for other details of the morning and week.
-A few other upcoming events to note:  Persons interested in the health care of the congregation are invited to attend a meeting on Nov. 30 at 7pm at Ridgeview.
-The holidays can be a dark and difficult time for many people for many reasons; loneliness, loss, etc.  We will be having a service on Dec. 7 at 7pm to invite God's light to be present to us in new ways.
I finally saw the last Harry Potter film.  I would love to have a book/movie discussion talking about the gospel parallels.  Interested? 
My prayer for today: Lord, you are God--Creator of the depths of the earth, the heights of the mountains, the deeps of the sea. Power. Might. Majesty.  Yet you come to us as a gentle shepherd, guiding, leading, feeding, protecting, loving, giving. In you and through you we are covered with grace, filled with peace, and bathed in joy so that the healing and hope that is You can pour out of us to a hurting and broken world.  Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven.  In Jesus Name.  AMEN

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!

Love and Light!

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "  JD

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