As we are now in the season of Advent, the time of waiting for the coming of the Christ, I've been thinking about all the waiting we engage in on a daily basis. I think of that dial-up sound we came to know so well and quickly a few years back as we waited to connect to the internet-- oh, and the sound of the coffee maker as it drips; and the sound of the running water as the tub fills; and the sound of a hungry infant. My dad had an old single-slice toaster that had been his Aunt Nettie's which said, "tickatickatickatick ...." as the bread browned. Even as I write this, I am waiting for the wood stove to reach a high enough temperature to close the damper, and I hear the flames nibbling the wood.
- for baby to be born
- to stand in line to purchase Christmas gifts
- to be seated at a restaurant
- for the electric power to return after a snowstorm
- for there to be an open gate for the airplane to park
- for the turkey to finish roasting
- for the professor to grade exams
- for the game to begin
- for the website to load
- for the book you've ordered from the library
- for the bus
- for your photos to upload
- to see the doctor
- for the children to come home from school
- for the school bus to pick up the kids
- for your ride to pick you up to go swimming
- for the biopsy report
- for the morning to dawn
- for traffic to move on a Saturday afternoon driving 340 in peak tourist season
- for the job interview
--And I could go on, and on, and on! What kind of attitude do you "wear" as you abide? On what are you waiting?
Without question or doubt, you are love by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend!" JD
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Waiting, Waiting, Waiting.... |
Brother Mick will be sharing from Psalm 85 which as many psalms has verses that recount history of God's faithfulness, question God, and yet return to God's love and faithfulness. Verses 10-11 have beautiful imagery: "Love and faithfulness meet together, righteousness and peace kiss each other. Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven." Hmmm.... what can it all mean? Ahhh, this God of Grace who awaits us with open arms like the Prodigal son's father, forgiving and transforming. The message title is "What are you waiting for?" Hmmm... reads two different ways, doesn't it?
Monday, Dec. 5 is the annual Time Out auction with food available to purchase at 5pm benefitting missions, and the auction starting at 6:30pm. Even if you don't bid on anything, this is always great fun! Cliff and I've made some wonderful purchases over the years, from a pink playhouse to delicious chocolate cake.
Wednesday, Dec. 7 is the Service of Rembrance and Hope at 7pm. The holidays are really difficult for some of us due to loss, loneliness, and brokenness. We want to acknowledge our pain and invite the Light of the Divine to be present in new ways. Feel free to bring photos of loved ones who have died.
As you may recall, Brother Mick had a knee replacement several weeks ago. He experienced a "pop" during therapy afterwards, and although at first the medical staff thought all was just the normal "waiting for healing," it is determined that there was a muscle tear at that time. Mick has reparation surgery scheduled for this Monday. He will need to wear an immobilizer for 6 weeks. I think I need to add
"as we heal" to the waiting list above...Please be in prayer for him and Julie.
As you may recall, Brother Mick had a knee replacement several weeks ago. He experienced a "pop" during therapy afterwards, and although at first the medical staff thought all was just the normal "waiting for healing," it is determined that there was a muscle tear at that time. Mick has reparation surgery scheduled for this Monday. He will need to wear an immobilizer for 6 weeks. I think I need to add
"as we heal" to the waiting list above...Please be in prayer for him and Julie.
By thy rivers gently flowing, Illinois! Illinois!
Next week I will be in Illinois on Friday so I am not planning to post a communique. Be sure to check out the bulletin for details of events!
My prayer for you today: Creator God, you are wrapped in light as a garment and ride on the wings of the wind. Fill us with your Spirit so that her fruit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-contol, is exemplified in our actions. For Anthony, Mim, Mick, and others who are experiencing pain and brokenness, cover them with your blanket of light that they will experience peace, healing, and wholeness. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. AMEN.
Without question or doubt, you are love by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend!" JD
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