Thursday, December 15, 2011

"Haves" and "Have Nots"

 Have you seen the photo image that has been making its rounds on facebook depicting a split picture with half showing emaciated children reaching upward as if for food and the second part displaying women with overflowing shopping carts filled with games and stuff? None of the photo subjects appears happy.  The caption reads, "Define Necessity."

I must confess, as one of the "haves," these images cause me to feel really uncomfortable which I would guess is the intention of the post. I enjoy the overflow of gifts we have under the tree. I have a lovely home with a bit of land. I have warmth and clothing. I have clean water, hot water, and running water. I have cars (plural) to drive, an education, books, bikes, electricity, a piano, toys, phones, computers, and a few extra pounds.   Many of us glance at the images of these dear children and quickly skip to the next post because we don't want to be reminded of the want and need in the world. Many of us look at the images and say, "Wow, this is a good reminder of how blesssed we are," and yes, that is true but is that where we stop?  I am more and more convinced  as I mature (aka get older) that for those of us who are followers of Jesus, it is worship when we feed and clothe the hungry.  God's way is not our comfortable way. Afterall, God came to the earth as a "have not"  and was even an "alien" for a while in Egypt. Is not the best way to honor and praise our Lord to model the sacrificial love exemplified by our Jesus?

Mother Teresa's statement of "We cannot do great things on this earth, only small things with great love" helps me when I feel overwhelmed with the enormity of the pain and despair in the world. 
Small things--Great Love.
Mennonite Central Committee has urgent needs for hygiene and school kits. There are cloth bags on the MCC table which you can pick up, fill, and return to the table.  We are helping to feed the hungry children in our community. If you live locally and would like to help pack or deliver the food packs, sign up in the lobby.  If you spend time on the computer, why not play "freerice" and feed the hungry at the same time?
Small things-- great love-- Doable--Today--Tomorrow-- At home--At shopping centers--In cars--With family--With friends--With strangers--With adults--With children--At church--At school--At work--At play. Small things--Great Love--NOW!

Whoo! Got a little preachy there!

Brother Mick, with his knee securely in a brace, will be preaching a message he's calling, "Let It Be." In Luke 1 Mary responds to the angel with "let it be with me according to your word." Do we trust God to be in control of our lives? Additional scriptures are 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 and Romans 16:25-27.

College students, I hope to see you in the Upper Room this Sunday at 9am! I've been praying for you as you've completed papers and taken exams!

Blessings to Craig who is back in Minnesota after having blessed us with his presence this fall. Craig, you added much thought and wisdom to our discussions. Thank you!  Keep us posted on life!

On Wednesday, Dec. 21 I plan to take a group Christmas caroling to Manor Care Health Center on the west side of Lancaster where Frances and Albert, and Amanda reside.  Would you like to join me? :)

My prayer for you today: Creator God, you are present in this new day.  In fact, you have a plan for this day and for each of us.  Help us to pay attention to your schedule. Help us to see people as you see them. Help us to enter your plan even if it messes up our own activities. Grant us courage to act. Let us do small things with great love so that others will see YOU in us. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, here, on earth as it is in heaven.  In Jesus' name. AMEN.

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too.
Love and Light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend!" JD

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