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Boots in abundance of another variety |
I was further humbled at her report. "Oh, Carol, when Tazzie (not her real name) saw the pink boots, she was so excited that she claimed she would never, ever take them off. She kept them on all day."
As I've chewed on this story, I realized those boxes of usable boots, shoes, and clothing are rather a metaphor for my life. I no doubt have containers of good gifts from God to share with others that remain on the shelf because I'm too fear-full or selfish or lazy or busy or ignorant or narrow-minded or stubborn or judgmental or hate-full or indifferent....
One of our scripture passages for Sunday morning is I John 3:16-24 "Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other..." http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20John%203:16-24&version=NLT Come Kingdom of God! As I allow your grace to flow through me, grant me courage to open the box of gifts you've provided me that I might serve you and my neighbor with the Love that is You.
Brother Nelson will be sharing "Joining What God Started" with additional texts from Psalm 23 and John 10:11-18, those images of God as a loving shepherd caring for the stupid and smelly sheep. (These are my adjectives from what I recall in helping my cousin with his 4-H sheep.) In Acts 4, Peter and John continue Jesus' work of healing and serving. Are we listening, Brothers and Sisters? We are called to believe and to love! The service begins at 10:15am.
I will be joining you in the Upper Room at 9am this Sunday.
I'm continuing to pray for those of you with ongoing health issues and tough life stuff! Don't hesitate to call/text me.
Be sure to check out the bulletin: http://www.ridgeviewmennonite.net/bulletins/index.php
There are lots of great opportunities and information for you. A few highlights:
-We are still gathering toothpastes as a "special" for the Food Pac program.
-The senior high youth invite you to a coffee house on May 6.
-The fellowship meal on May 6 immediately after church will be a Haitian meal with proceeds benefiting the New World School in Haiti.
Taylor and her group arrived safely in Dulles last weekend! :)
Thanks flying out to Rebecca and JR for helping the senior high to mulch the church grounds. :)
Some of you have finished your college finals, and some of you are still anticipating them. I'm praying for you! Be safe in your travels!
Laura Glick will be participating in Eastern Mennonite University's program to the US/Mexico border from May 3-24.https://emu.edu/crosscultural/programs/u-s-mexico-border-2012/ This cross-cultural experience will focus on "Gender, Migration, and Humane Treatment in the Borderlands." We'll be praying for you, Laura, as you face challenges in physicality, spirituality, emotions, and thought.
I am going to borrow the prayer from my first blog post albeit with a few alterations for today:
Creator God—You make all things new! Praise and Glory to you!Open our hearts to receive transformation—to become the persons you designed us to be—that as we walk this life with the swirling chaos and hailstorms of pain and loss that accompanies the journey, your craftsmanship will be completed, and we will be as healing balms to those in pain; sips of cool water, refreshing and joyful, to the thirsty; wise and stable grandmothers to the lost—that the healing and hope; the light and the love that is YOU,will flow through us drawing together all of your children. Come Kingdom of God, be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. AMEN
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too! Love and Light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. " jd