Friday, April 27, 2012

(15ish years ago) "If any of you have any shoes or boots your kids have outgrown, my little ones could really use them on the cold and snowy days this winter. There are children in my class that don't have boots and in fact, have holes in their shoes." My friend Joy was a teacher of small children in Wonder Club, a Water Street Ministry for those "without."

Boots in abundance of another variety
 In my world of abundance, I hadn't given a second thought to the box, umm, boxes of children's clothing and boots waiting in my basement. Waiting for just what? I sorted through them and gave the "good stuff" to Joy. 

I was further humbled at her report. "Oh, Carol, when Tazzie (not her real name) saw the pink boots, she was so excited that she claimed she would never, ever take them off. She kept them on all day."

As I've chewed on this story, I realized those boxes of usable boots, shoes, and clothing are rather a metaphor for my life. I no doubt have containers of good gifts from God to share with others that remain on the shelf because I'm too fear-full or selfish or lazy or busy or ignorant or narrow-minded or stubborn or judgmental or hate-full or indifferent....
One of our scripture passages for Sunday morning is I John 3:16-24 "Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other..."  Come Kingdom of God! As I allow your grace to flow through me, grant me courage to open the box of gifts you've provided me that I might serve you and my neighbor with the Love that is You.

Brother Nelson will be sharing "Joining What God Started" with additional texts from Psalm 23 and John 10:11-18, those images of God as a loving shepherd caring for the stupid and smelly sheep. (These are my adjectives from what I recall in helping my cousin with his 4-H sheep.) In Acts 4, Peter and John continue Jesus' work of healing and serving. Are we listening, Brothers and Sisters?  We are called to believe and to love! The service begins at 10:15am.

I will be joining you in the Upper Room at 9am this Sunday.

I'm continuing to pray for those of you with ongoing health issues and tough life stuff! Don't hesitate to call/text me.

Be sure to check out the bulletin:
There are lots of great opportunities and information for you.  A few highlights:
-We are still gathering toothpastes as a "special" for the Food Pac program.
-The senior high youth invite you to a coffee house on May 6.
-The fellowship meal on May 6 immediately after church will be a Haitian meal with proceeds benefiting the New World School in Haiti.

Taylor and her group arrived safely in Dulles last weekend! :)  

Thanks flying out to Rebecca and JR for helping the senior high to mulch the church grounds. :)

Some of you have finished your college finals, and some of you are still anticipating them. I'm praying for you! Be safe in your travels!
Laura Glick will be participating in Eastern Mennonite University's program to the US/Mexico border from May 3-24. This cross-cultural experience will focus on "Gender, Migration, and Humane Treatment in the Borderlands."  We'll be praying for you, Laura, as you face challenges in physicality, spirituality, emotions, and thought.

I am going to borrow the prayer from my first blog post albeit with a few alterations for today:
Creator God—You make all things new!  Praise and Glory to you!Open our hearts to receive transformation—to become the persons you designed us to be—that as we walk this life with the swirling chaos and hailstorms of pain and loss that accompanies the journey, your craftsmanship will be completed, and we will be as healing balms to those in pain; sips of cool water, refreshing and joyful, to the thirsty; wise and stable grandmothers to the lost—that the healing and hope; the light and the love that is YOU,will flow through us drawing together all of your children. Come Kingdom of God, be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name.  AMEN
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too! 
Love and Light,


     "Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "  jd

Friday, April 20, 2012

There are people in this world who suffer greater than I can imagine through war, rape, and maiming-- those horrors we do to one another in the name of country and yes, even our God. Then there is suffering from natural disasters, diseases, broken relationships, and poverty. sigh. I've not been truly tested.  

I remember back in the early 90's being with a group of women at a mountain cabin for what was supposed to be an uplifting weekend, but just days before our gathering an incredible tragedy happened in our community; a teenager brutally killed his family. We questioned and cried while heaviness and darkness settled upon us. At some point someone made the suggestion to sing.  And we did. 
As our voices lifted in vocal communion, prayer, and praise, joy and light were found in the midst of the ugliness and pain. We are quick to say, "God is good." when things are going well.  What do we say when things are not so great?
"Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God.  Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer." Psalm 4:1
God is merciful; our resurrected Lord understands and will not leave us nor forsake us. Rejoice and be glad for you are loved beyond measure.

As I'm tapping letters on this keyboard, the song "Bubbling Over" popped into my head and I thought to myself, "Hmmm... Self, the bubbles are like happiness, fleeting and fragile while the bubble solution is like the joy that comes from our Lord, substantial and viscous."  Our joy comes from the Lord! Sing Praises!

"Incredible Joy" is what Brother Mick has titled this week's message as we continue to live the joy that comes from our resurrected Lord. No matter the circumstances, Jesus can be found; our healer, comforter, peace, and joy. Luke 24:36-48 is the text for the morning, and I invite you to meditate on Jesus first words in this passage to his disciples, "Peace be with you" as you face the challenges in this day.

Etta will join you in the Upper Room at 9am, and the worship service begins at 10:15am on Sunday.
The senior high youth group is mulching the church grounds on Wednesday evening.  We can always use more hands!

OH! and I'm praying for those of you taking finals!  Breathe deeply, study, get some sleep!, and eat nutriously! 

This mama's heart is glad as Taylor returns from her cross-cultural semester in Guatemala and Mexico with Eastern Mennonite University.  The opportunity to build relationships and experience cultures other than one's own is, in my opinion and own experience, an incredible way to expand one's understanding of God and our world. Taylor has stories to share; perhaps I can convince her to be a guest writer for the communique! :)

Taylor and Laura- Mayan Ruins (Photo by Heather)

My prayer for today: Merciful and ever-present God, we praise you and thank you for being our God.
As we learn to trust you, as we spend time in meditation with you, as we live in community with one another, fill us with the viscous joy that clings to our souls and will bubble over to others as your love completes us.  For the travelers among us, grant safety and presence; for the ill among us, grant healing and hope; for the frightened among us, grant peace and light; for the comfortable among us, prod us to understanding and action; for the broken among us, grant transformation and renewal. Come, Kingdom of God. Be done, will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,


Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend!" JD

Friday, April 13, 2012

"Mom, my knee hurts," my twelve year said on a cool spring day. 
"Ok," I replied. 
Did I ask when it started hurting? Did I ask if she injured it?  Did I ask her to describe the hurt? Did I ask any questions at all? Did I take time to examine it?  The answer to all of those questions is NO! 
A few days later the weather warmed up, and my daughter came down the stairs wearing shorts.
"Hhhhhhhhhhuu!" I sucked in my breath.  "What happened to your knee?"
"I told you!" she said in a rightfully accusatory voice. 
"I know, but I didn't know!" Her knee was at least double the size it should have been! 
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I did tell you! You didn't believe me!" 

It turned out that our daughter had lyme disease caused by one of the zillion little creatures with more than 4 legs we have living in our back yard. She was successfully treated, and the elephant knee which was her only symptom returned to normal size. My daughter was not one to exaggerate pain, bumps, or bruises. Why didn't I believe her until I saw it for myself? Why had I been so busy as not to notice her limping, her expressions, the subtle differences that I'm sure were there had I been truly paying attention. sigh "Bad Mommy Moment # 357.  
Oh, and if anyone needs any tick removal assistance, you know where I live!

Brother Mick has titled his message "Sensory Deprivation" with the sermon text from I John 1:1-2:2. In his presermon notes Mick writes, "We are a people who want to experience things first hand to know for ourselves that thus and so is true."  God's presence with us is so very real, but it is not tangible in the touch the nailholes with our own hands kind of way. We must listen and hear. We must be aware. We must open our eyes and see. 
We'll be back in the Upper Room on Sunday! I hope you can join me at 9am.  The worship service begins at 10:15am.
Oh, we are collecting toothbrushes and paste to put with the children's food pacs. The baskets in which to place them are in the lobby.

There continues to be so much pain and suffering in our world. Locally with the loss of a sweet toddler, friends and loved ones young and old dealing with cancer and other health issues, hunger and strife around the world, racism and violence-- sigh-- we all need Jesus.

My prayer for today:  You are Light. Through you and in you, we truly see.  We see ourselves. We see each other. We see creation. We see our paths. We see truth, and hope, and love, and life.  We see YOU. As we are more deeply and fully aware of you, Divine, let our actions and words, our hearts and minds reflect your light as bright shining stars, offering peace, hope, joy, and comfort to all. Come kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,

Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend!" JD

Friday, April 6, 2012

     A year and a half ago I collided with grace and kindness on the road-- I mean, literally collided. Taylor's college debut was soon upon us, and the extra-long sheets at Target along with the shower caddy were calling .  I was driving west on 772 with my daughter riding shotgun, trying to avoid the tourist traffic on 340 through Intercourse. We were having one of our wonderful conversations of spirituality and philosophy, and at a turn that was a "stop unless turning right sign," though loathe to admit it, yes, I ran the stop sign, and BAM-- an old maroon 4 door Buick sedan struck us at the passenger side front tire. That tire blew out, our airbags deployed, and we rocketed up onto the bank.  Thankfully, thankfully, thankfully, Taylor, the other driver, and I were not injured other than a few scrapes and bruises.  I was certainly shook up recognizing my inattentive driving could have cost my daughter's life, but we were ok.  As we got out of the mangled car, I braced myself for the angry (and rightfully so) driver of the Buick; I would have been hoppin' mad in her shoes.
     "Are you hurt, are you ok?" I asked her. 
      She smiled at me. Smiled!  "I'm fine. Are you both ok?"
      I met a kind and gentle woman named Anna that day.  Once we established that none of us were hurt and the 911 call was made, we sat down to wait for the police. 
Anna said things like, "If we're going to sit and wait we could have a little snack, almost like a party.  I have some fresh grapes in my car," and "Well, God must have a reason for us meeting," and "My children have been telling me for quite some time that I should get a new car."
     It seemed that every  person who passed in his vehicle, buggy, or scooter knew Anna who greeted each with friendliness and ease.  I did not detect one single strand of animosity, frustration, or anger in this woman that just had her car demolished, her afternoon plans revoked, and her life inconvenienced, not one bit!  
     As we departed, she gave me a big hug and said, "I guess Jesus wanted me to have a new friend."  Anna has called me several times to make sure we were ok, and we even met for breakfast.  She brought me some of her homemade cup cheese (a new treat for me), canned beets, and canned soup! I've been blessed by the fruit of the Spirit that flows like a clear stream through this dear woman.  I experienced grace and mercy given unconditionally by a stranger that day. As Anna walks closely in the footsteps of the Teacher, I pray that I will be in step with her.  Truly, a bit of the Kingdom, yes, even a touch of heaven, was experienced by the side of two demolished cars that day.  (Oh, and I think Anna's countenance influenced the police officer who gave me a ticket for a minor violation for which he apologized profusely!)
     Yesterday as someone pulled out recklessly in front of me and the word "jerk" formed on my tongue, it struck me that Anna probably would have said something like, "Be careful, young man. Life is precious, and God has a plan for you."  sigh-I still have some growing to do.
     Grace undeserved.  Clearly I was guilty yet the one who had the justification to be angry and expect restitution wrapped arms around me and whispered, "It's okay. I have you covered." Grace and mercy undeserved, an Easter story.
     Today is Holy Friday, Good Friday. Without question or doubt, God loves you more than you can imagine. Brother Mick will lead a Good Friday service at 7pm at Ridgeview tonight. You are welcome to attend.
Sunday services:
There is an unofficial gathering at 6:15am of the senior high youth and any others who care to be present for the actual sunrise. :) 
Early Service:  Outside at 8am led by the senior high youth.  (Thanks, Nathan, for writing such a compelling script!) :)
Breakfast:  9am  Breakfast in the 1990 Fellowship Hall
Worship: 10:15am in the sanctuary
Please join us for any and all of these services! For additional information about Ridgeview and a peak at the bulletin, check out our website. (Great work, Morgan!)

My prayer for today is adapted from "Sing the Story" #184
The world is alive with your goodness, O God, it grows green from the ground and ripens into the roundness of fruit. Its taste and its touch enliven our bodies and stirs our souls. Generously given, profusely displayed, your graces of goodness pour forth from the earth. As we have received so free us to give. As we have been granted so may we give. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven.  In JESUS name. Amen.

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too.  May you be filled with peace and joy as you are welcomed into the loving arms of God revealed in Jesus.

Love and Light,
Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend!" JD