Horse= 8-16
Cat= 20-30
Hibernating animals= <6
Dog= 10-34
Adult Human= 8-20
Newborn Human= 30-40
A few years ago I learned that "ruah" (Hebrew) and "pneuma" (Greek) were the words meaning breath or wind which in English we've usually translated from the Biblical texts to mean "Spirit." (Biblical scholars, please weigh in with clarification!) As one who appreciates poetic and intimate images of God, I value the translation of "breath of God." The intimacy our Creator provides each of us through this "Holy Kiss" is yet another reminder of the life, hope, and treasure of each breathing human being.
Thus says the Lord to these bones: I will cause breath (spirit) to enter you, and you shall live. Ezekiel. 2:5
This Sunday is Pentecost; the day in the church calendar whereby we remember and celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the followers of Jesus. Brother Nelson will be sharing a message he is calling, "Wishing to See." From dry bones in Ezekiel to the rushing wind and tongues of fire in Acts, the activity of the Breath of God is upon us! We listen; we wait; we pray. We see; we experience; we're filled. We rejoice; we share; we act. Come Kingdom of God!
I'll be in the Upper Room this week. I hope you will join me!
Check out Ridgeview's award winning website. Congratulations again, Morgan!
We remember Catherine Esch's family with love and prayers today as she passed on last evening. A few years ago when Alana was in India, I received a phone call from Catherine at about 9:30pm with questions about how to follow EMU's blog for the India group-- not bad at all for a woman in her 80's! If you knew Catherine, you can imagine the phone call; no identification of caller and none needed; lightning fast speech; great questions; and a story of a relative who was a doctor in India. She will be missed.
You can follow Craig's cancer treatment and response on Caring Bridge. We're praying for you, Craig!
Ridgeview's 50th anniversary celebration is June 10. One of the things I've agreed to do is to pull questions together for a trivia game show. We'll use the quizzing buzzers and have a good time. Fun!
Vacation Bible school in the park is June 18-21. We need you to help! Please sign up in the church lobby. If you've not filled out the child protection paperwork, talk to me or Joyce at the church office.
My prayer for today: Breathe on us, breath of God. Come and fill us with your Holy Spirit, your Holy Breath that we may be renewed, transformed, healed, and invigorated, filled with the flames of agape love to pour out healing and hope on a generation of broken, disgruntled, angry, hungry, and hurting people. May your peace which passes all understanding prevail. Come, Kingdom of God. Be done, will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too. I'm here if you need me!
love and light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. " jd