Friday, May 18, 2012

Pomp and Circumstance

Pomp and Circumstance, mortar boards and tassels, handshakes and diplomas--'tis that time of year again when boys and girls, men and women don shapeless gowns and funny hats to process side by side to Sir Edward Elgar's war march. (There are many "battles" in life, perhaps the music is metaphorical.)

I remember very little about my own graduations although I do recall that as the realization of change and emotion overwhelmed me with tears and hugs, a freshman boy technically a sophOmore (certain readers will understand the "O") with whom I had been in band, sidled over and asked me on a date. I don't think he had learned the importance of timing. :)

My group of Goshen College  mates and I laugh about  one of our good friends correcting the pronunciation of his name during practice altering the way we had always spoken it.  My pinning ceremony for the nursing program remains the most meaningful and memorable.

For one of my daughter's graduations,  the speaker encouraged the students to focus not just on what jobs they want to do but rather on the kind of person they want to be. I like that.

This weekend Travis graduates from Carnegie Melon University, and our high school students are counting the days until their ceremonies. Others of you already received your certificates or will soon do so.  Peace and Joy on the journey, my friends!

Brother Mick will be sharing a message called, "That They May Be One" during the 10:15am worship service based on the text from John 17:6-19.  Jesus prays a powerful prayer for his disciples which calls for believers to be united in their witness and ministry.  Hmmm... How are we doing? I'm looking forward to Mick's exegesis. 

The Upper Room will be open at 9am. 

"Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" lunch tickets will be available after the service. This is a great way to get to better know some of our church family!  The ticket will provide directions and anything else you may need to know.

For those of you joining our SWAP team this summer, there is a meeting on Wednesday, May 23 at 6pm. 

Mark your calendars for Ridgeview's 50th Anniversary celebration on June 10. You are ALL invited to attend.

Please continue to be in prayer for Craig.  He is in round 3 of chemotherapy treatments and is feeling "icky" today.

A prayer for today: Transforming God, create in us clean hearts and renew our spirits. We praise you, and we thank you for being our God.  Remind us of your constant, loving presence.  For those who are battling illness today, grant healing and hope. For those struggling with emotional and mental anguish, grant healing and hope. For those in places of conflict and war, grant healing and hope. Come and fill us with your Holy Spirit that we may be your vessels of healing and hope to an aching and discordant world.  We celebrate with those who are rejoicing in graduations, new births, and growing relationships, and we ask that you would bless them. Come Kingdom of God, be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!

Love and Light,

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "  jd

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