Friday, June 8, 2012

Celebrating God's Faithfulness

Andy welcomed me at the door of their modest home in Intercourse, PA while Leah began bringing cookies and weak coffee to the table.  The three of us sat together while the jackalope stared down upon us, and this long-married, elderly couple shared the latest of their activities.
-Andy shot a groundhog in their backyard. (Did I mention they live IN the village?) 
-Some of the younger relatives stopped in on Sunday night. 
-Andy had fallen in the yard, and diminutive Leah wasn't strong enough to lift him up so she got a five-gallon bucket which he leaned on, and with Leah's help he was able to get back on his feet.
-Leah's back pain has been getting worse so Andy has to assist her in and out of bed.
-I heard wonderful tales of times past and present including their many trips to FL. 

I've no doubt this couple struggled during their years of marriage and probably still did even after 50 plus years. But what I witnessed during the latter days of their earthtime, was a promise to keep trying and to support and help one another.

I don't have a study to back this up but one of my own observations of young couples today is that they often enter marriage as better friends than previous generations, discussing topics and feelings much more openly than those twosomes before them.  What I see as much more lacking today is the commitment of a life of positive growth together. (Ok, I'm using my old lady voice now!) :) My challenge for those of you currently in relationships is to take seriously your vows of commitment-- not just for the sake of staying together but rather because it can be a wonderful journey of growth and joy even though sometimes it feels like a sea of pain and challenge.

Before I left that morning, Leah and Andy insisted on giving me beautiful sea shells and a sea star for each of my daughters.

As I thought about what to write this morning, the many dear ones from Ridgeview who've passed on but so influenced my life filled my thoughts.  -Mattie, who my girls called the candy lady,  Ike- with his twinkling eyes and big grin, Elma- with her wise words,  Iva- with her gentle faith, Chester and Catherine- with their healing ways, Katie- with her spunkiness, Minnie- with her passion for the church and God's many people... I could go on and on and on.  I have been blessed by those who've gone before me!

Happy 50th  Anniversary Ridgeview Mennonite Church! 
Like marriage, we've had our ups and downs, hurts and sorrows, but we celebrate God's faithfulness and presence through it all. 

Amish turkey, classic cars, stories of God's work and faithfulness, music, displays-- Sunday is a day full of wonderful activities and sharing.  Rather than list everything, check out Sunday's bulletin for the details.

I am personally eager to hear from our sister Lorie Hershey, pastor at West Philadelphia Mennonite Church along with others during the 9am hour, and the blending of words from Brothers Bob, John, and Mick during the 10:30am hour. God is good, all the time!

You are invited! Be sure to look for me. :)

My prayer for today: Creator God, we celebrate your faithfulness to all generations.  Thank you.  Today as we go about our tasks, let us be open to recognizing your presence, to hearing your call, to following your way.  Breath of God, intervene in our lives and weave us together as one people. For those hurting and broken, breathe light and love, and let us be good neighbors to one another sharing healing and hope. You ride on the wings of the wind and are covered in light as a garment; we praise you, Lord God! Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too.
Love and Light,

 "Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "  jd

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