Friday, June 1, 2012

 I stepped out into the bright, warm sunlight after a few a few hours of listening and challenge in the San Jose convention center. Could I really do this?  Live the call? Vive el llamado?
This was the third day of the  2007 Mennonite Convention, and the youth (and I) were being challenged to daily tune-in to God and follow God's leading and call even if (fill in the blank).  We were apprised that as we open ourselves to God, opportunities for caring, sharing, and loving in the name of Christ would be presented. "Lord," I prayed. "Help me to follow, even if..."

The short path back to my hotel took me through a small park where people from many walks of life, both affluent and homeless, congregated. I nodded and smiled as I strode past people, making eye contact and offering a greeting.
"Miss, Miss, can I talk to you?" a young man on a bench stood up and approached me. 
I breathed a silent prayer. "OK, Lord.  Here we go!"

I sat down on a bench with Azmi, a young man from Turkey who had been in the U.S for about 7 years, and he began by asking me questions. Who were these friendly, smiling people who were walking through the park this week? They seemed kind. They were friendly. They seemed different. He said  he was a fighter and a "tough guy" although you wouldn't know that from his quiet speech and sincerity, but his physique and tattoos, one of which was the American flag, corroborated his story. Becoming an American citizen was his dream, but being from Turkey he was greeted with suspicion and rudeness. We talked for 30 or 40 minutes, and we concluded by praying together. I'm not sure if this conversation was helpful to Azmi, but this experience taught me several things: truth was being spoken at the convention; God's "call" is a daily occurrence; I have to choose if I'm going to trust, be open, and be obedient to our Creator. In a sermon I preached some time ago, I encouraged the congregation (and myself) to begin each day with a prayer something like this:
"Lord, today is a new day. Help me to pay attention to your plan. Help me to let go of my distractions to truly see people with your heart. In fact, I will be looking for your plan today. Expectant. Waiting. I will expect interruptions. Grant me courage to act. Grant me patience to step into your plan even if it messes up the timing of my plans. Let me do the small things with great love that you have planned for me today with an an attitude in which others will see YOU in me."

 I fail to follow the call more than I succeed, but the journey goes ever on and on. Today I will breathe the prayer again, and who knows what adventures God has in store! Vive el llamado! 

Brother Mick will be drawing his sermon from Isaiah 6:1-8 with a message he has entitled, "Isaiah Hears A Whom" bringing some understanding to the text with help from Theodore Geisel whose great wisdom is shared through many books geared for children.  (I've sometimes wondered if Dr. Seuss wrote his parables knowing that many parents would be reading these stories aloud to their children.) :)

We will be celebrating the official membership of two of our wonderful Sarahs. :)

Blessing and Joy to Allison and Spencer as they get married on Sunday!  YAY!

On June 10 we will be celebrating 50 Years of God's faithfulness to us in the Ridgeview congregation.  We have a special day of activities planned including sharing by former pastors, great music, an Amish turkey dinner (Don't forget to bring a salad to share!), and a Ridgeview Trivia Game show at 5:30pm. This week's bulletin outlines the timing of events. Oh, and if you have a classic and/or antique car or tractor, you are invited to bring it. :)  I just discovered that there is a couple at Ridgeview who own a Studebaker. 
The new Ridgeview cookbook will be available for purchase too. Whether or not you attend Ridgeview, you are invited to join us!  

My prayer for today is the one I have printed above with a few variations:
Creator God, today is a new day. Help us to pay attention to your plan. Help us to let go of our distractions to truly see people with your heart. In fact, we will be looking for your plan today. Expectant. Waiting.We will expect interruptions. Grant us courage to act. Grant us patience to step into your plan even if it messes up the timing of our own plans. Let us do the small things with great love that you have planned for us today with an an attitude in which others will see YOU in each of us.  Come and fill us with your breath, Lord.  Come Kingdom of God; be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too.

Love and Light,

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "  jd

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