Brave Bo, our yellow lab, fit the description of a classic, muscular 85lb. Labrador retriever. He buried his bones as well as his food dish; he was adventurous; he was loyal; he could catch tennis balls and Frisbees; he howled; he had a special rug, and he was protective.
On this particular 100+ degree July 4th, the husband was golfing with the neighbor while our friend Carl worked on the wiring in the basement. I was doing those few things moms do; laundry, cleaning toilets, playing barbies, vacuuming, mediating squabbles, washing dishes, preparing food for the masses, kissing booboos--you know the drill. When I stepped outside into the steamy rain forest for something, I realized Bo wasn't around. I called him a few times to no avail. For the next 45 minutes I periodically went outside and called for the dog.
"BO!" I called again from our front porch. This time he came slinking out of the open garage. Those of you who are dog owners know the look. "Bo, where were y..." My sentence remained unfinished as my senses were suddenly, shall we say, buzzing?
Flies, thousands of flies, were teeming around the garage door and into the garage. What on earth? A gaggifying odor filled my olfactory passages, and with dread I stepped into the garage.
"Oh, Bo! What have you done?" My heart rate began to climb, and I pinched my nostrils. On the garage floor leading to the interior door was a stream of bloody maggots, yes, you read that right. Maggots!
If there are maggots, there must be something on which they are feeding... (Insert screeching violins from "Psycho here.") There, at the very foot of the door to enter the house was a (wait for it!)... dead fawn, one that had been obviously dead for a few days and was engulfed with horrible little, white larva! AHHHHHHGGGGGG!
This is the point where I turned and bolted for the grass creating a vortex of horror energy as I ran in mindless circles.
Cliff, did we give Carl a bonus for his assistance as he and I gagged and exclaimed as we committed the carcass to a garbage bag?
Hmmmmm.... The husband is golfing at this very moment. Excuse me while I go put our dog in his crate!
This story has no relevance at all to the service on Sunday. I just couldn't decide what to write about, and periodically this story niggles my grey matter so I thought it might be therapeutic for me to share it! :)
Enjoy your pets today!
The 50th celebration at Ridgeview on Sunday was truly memorable and wonderful. Thanks to all those who worked so hard to make it a special day!
This Sunday we will be joining our community with a 10am service at Intercourse Community Park. Several area churches including Ridgeview will be participating in the service. Here is the link for Sunday's bulletin. http://www.ridgeviewmennonite.net/bulletins/current.pdf
Vacation Bible School in the park begins Monday night through Thursday. If you are interested in helping or attending, contact the church office. :)
Please be in prayer for Rose Reiff and her family as Rose remains in critical condition in a Pittsburgh hospital.
Craig, we are praying for you too!
It seems there are many from our church family who are facing serious life stuff. Life is hard, but God is good. Keep praying, Brothers and Sisters!
My prayer for today: God of all creatures, great and small, we give you our thanks and praise today! You never leave us nor forsake us though sometimes we don't acknowledge your presence--gentle, mysterious, faithful, and loving. Open our hearts, minds, and souls today, Lord, to your breath upon us--guiding, healing, nourishing. Remove hatred from our spirits that we might treat each other with kindness and mercy. Touch Rose, Craig, and the others who we know to be hurting today, with your light and warmth, providing for their needs. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. " jd
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