Cape dresses, coverings, straw hats, and straight pins rather than buttons; living in Lancaster county these clothing distinctions are common to me as I dwell with the "Plain Folk." Their religious affiliation is obvious, and I am aware of certain bits of their beliefs. My daughter who works serving summertime tourists has answered more than once "No, they are not actors. This is really how they dress and live." I recall hearing about people at an airport who asked Amish travellers if they would stand guard over their luggage for a few minutes because they presumed the Amish could be trusted. They were probably right.
Anyway, are there ways I could be identified a believer by my words and actions? My son-in-law Michael recently blogged about a situation he witnessed. Was this person a follower of Jesus? I don't know, but his actions were Christ-like none the less.
This week Brother Mick will be preaching a message "Escaping Notice" with his sermon text from Mark 7:24-37. Jesus was in a foreign region and even so was recognized and provided healing and ministry to those around him.
This week we'll return to our regularly scheduled programming with classes beginning at 9am and worship at 10:15. I'll see you in the Upper Room!
The church picnic is on Sunday at Intercourse Park beginning at 5pm. Chicken bbq, drink, and place settings are provided. Please bring something yummy to share. :)
Craig had a difficult week. Please continue to pray for him and his family as he faces pain and uncertainty. Pray that he has an increased awareness of God's presence today.
Congrats to Ed and Kaylee on their wedding last weekend! :)
Ashlea and Bryan get hitched tomorrow! (Ashlea, somehow "hitched" seems the appropriate word for you!:) Julie and Tyler get married on Sunday!
Pray for our country as politics divide us. As believers, let's remember our hope and peace is not of this earth, and that we are brothers and sisters with many who think differently, look differently, act differently but are none the less family. (like it or not!) :)
We are continuing to collect items for the food pac program--6 oz toothpaste, bath towels, bar soap, and tee shirts. We also need double-bagged plastic grocery bags. You are invited to join us on Monday evening from 6:30-8 for a time of preparation and sharing regarding this important ministry to the children in our community who "have not."
My prayer for today: The mighty One, God the Lord, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting, God shines forth. With You is the fountain of life, refresh us with your clear waters. Lord God, wash over Craig and his family with your healing river. Sprinkle droplets of joy and blessing over Ashlea and Bryan, Jul and Tyler, Ed and Kaylee. As politics divide us, Lord, show us that all believers stand in the same waters of life that come from you. Grant us courage, Lord, to be bearers of your love, joy, hope, and healing in a world trapped in hatred, despondency, despair, and pain. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. AMEN.
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light, carol
Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. " jd
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