Friday, October 12, 2012

A cold, crisp autumn day in 1992 brought my little girls down the stairs with excitement.  "OOOH!  It snowed! Let's go outside!" the eldest exclaimed.
"That is frost, not snow," I told her.
"Kori, let's go out and play in the frost!"

The exuberance of children is something from which we could learn.  As the days of autumn are filled with that ethereal glow that causes our hearts to sing, I think of the many facets of this season which delight the soul.  I'll begin the list, you finish it! 

-jolly, orange pumpkins and goose-shaped, colorful gourds
-leaves, leaves, falling leaves, red, orange, brown, and yellow leaves
-campfires, s'mores, hotdogs, and cocoa
-flying V's above us calling encouragements and directions to one another whilst their wings ceaselessly toil
-the Great Horned Owl chorus                           
-skies of red, orange, purple, pink, and yellow with pillow-top clouds stretching and yawning
-broccoli cheese soup, potato soup, chili, lentil stew, tomato soup with grilled cheese
-mules and draft horses doing that difficult work for which they were created
-hard working farmers gathering and storing
-little tweeties gobbling seeds from the "finished" flowers
-that distinctive potpourri in the air like sweet apples, earth, and sky
-smiling scarecrows and scary black cats  

-visits from friends who live in a land far, far away
-apple crisp, apple cider, apple pie, apple dumplings; red apples, yellow apples, green apples, gold apples; bobbing for apples
-comfy sweatshirts, blue jeans, and boots

Ahhhh... I could go on all day. Take a few moments and consider what would be on your list.  I'd love to hear your responses!

Last night I attended a meaningful time of visitation and memorial for Craig Stoltzfus.  His life made a difference and impression on so many of us.  His life inspires me to live secure in knowing that without question or doubt, God loves me; therefore, I need not be afraid.

Mick's message this week has an interesting title "Hanging on to the Camel's Tail" with the challenging scripture from Mark 10:17-31 in which Jesus instructs the rich young man to give up his riches.  I  hope you will join us as we grapple with this text. 

The Upper Room will be open, and I hope to join you for at least part of the morning. I  know some of you will be home from college (YAY!), and I look forward to seeing you!

Prayer for today:  Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. Psalm 90:1-2 Help us to realize your incredible for love for us; that your human presence as Jesus seeks to heal and reconcile our relationship with you and with each other.  Help us not to be afraid, though the mountains tremble and the hills fall into the ocean, your compasioon never fails us. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus Name. Amen

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too. Call/ text me!

Love and Light,

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "  jd

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