Friday, April 5, 2013

(If you've been reading my blog for a few years, you've heard this story before.)    

 "If you touch her one more time I'm gonna smack you!" 

    While in a super store, I heard this voice screaming, yes, screaming at her child. Not exaggerating here.The sound of this voice reached all corners of the giant box.  I was curious, ok, nosy, so I moved my cart close enough to see what was happening. There was a haggard, young woman pushing a cart with an infant girl in the seat and a toddler in the basket. 
      After a quick look, I moved on.  The yelling continued.  There was no whisper between clenched teeth, this was out and out shrieking. In the store. Yelling. Loudly.  By now every being in the store knew this little guy's name.
     What was wrong with that woman?  Why did she keep bellowing? I tried taking my shopping to the other end of the store, but I could still hear her, "You little brat!  Knock it off!"  
     Like watching a horror movie, I wanted to know what was going to happen but felt powerless to do anything but see how it all played out. 
     Why doesn't one of those workers with the smiley faces on their smocks do something?  Where is the manager?  Maybe someone should call Child Protection!     
      I tried to shop.  I tried to shut out the frenetic, screeching voice. This female beast didn't deserve to be a mother. This woman was horrible!  Someone should do something!!  If she's like this in public, what's she like in private? Shoppers were exchanging knowing glances and shaking their heads in disdain. 

     "Daughter, you are someone," said a tiny voice in my head.  "You are a mother. You love children. You love me. You even teach parenting classes." 

      Was the voice smiling?  I don't want to get involved. Nope. I don't know what to do. This isn't my problem. The manager of the store should be doing something. I was afraid. What if..? What if....?

     "'What if' what? You are mine, and I love her too.  There is another way." 

     The quiet voice in my head was reminding me of my parentage, of my new birth and transformation. The murmur inside my head was reminding me that "love" was now written on my heart and in my mind. Fear was supposed to be gone. But "self" still debated.  "I don't know what to do.  Why me? Shouldn't the store people be dealing with this?"

     "Think, Carol. You know." 

     Meanwhile, back in aisle 7, the little boy continued to be harangued obtrusively by his young mother.

     OK... death to "SELF!"  LOVE triumphs over fear.  "OK, Lord, show me a way."

"Get in the way. Just get in the way."

I understood "get in the way" to be the motto of the Christian Peacemakers Team.  
Could merely being a gentle presence with this conflicted young mom and her children really make a difference?
      "Yes, Daughter, you can do that." 

     With a sigh and trembling knees,I maneuvered my shopping buggy into the aisle alongside the the two very young children and the uber frazzled mom. There seemed to be an invisible barrier around them; there were no other shoppers in any direction within 1,000,000 feet. I pretended to be interested in the baby bottles and formula on the shelf.  The little children immediately took an interest in me which changed the behavior of the "naughty" boy. I smiled at them; they smiled at me. I started talking to the children in what I hoped was a nonthreatening way. I asked the mom their ages-- 10 months and 22 months. No wonder she looked bankrupt. I commented on how cute they were. I acknowledged to mom how frustrating it can be to shop with young children and how exhausting those early years are.  I continued to talk to the children, now smiling and pleasant, and for the first time in 15 minutes, the mom breathed. She defused. She relaxed. She spoke in gentler tones to her babies. She became aware of herself, her children, the others in the store.  She asked her son if he liked a toy she picked up. After about 5 minutes of chatting, I offered God's blessing to her, and I moved on finishing my shopping in peace and quiet.     
Could I/Should I have done more?  Yes. Sometimes I wish I had a "do over" on this experience.  But at least I entered the pain. When I claim God as my parent, it means being "reborn" to step onto the Kingdom Way. Love becomes the motivator rather than fear.  I felt like I took a baby step that day on the Kingdom road. Or is it simply, "Getting in the WAY."

Brother Mick's message on Sunday is called, "Fear is Overcome" with the scripture text from John 20:19-31. The disciples were in hiding in fear but Jesus appeared and called them to a different way. Mick asks, "How do we incorporate that "fear not" into our own lives in the here and now?"  Please join us at 10:15 am on Sunday for the message and worship, and at 9 am for 15 minutes of singing in the rec room followed by Sunday school.

Do you remember those youth group dinner theaters of which some of you took part?  This year's senior high youth group will be hosting a coffee house reminiscent of those days. Sunday, April 14 at 6:30 pm is the start time for "International House of Coffee: Bean There, Done That!"  We'll have lots of fun!  Come out and join us! 

I had the sweet pleasure of holding Claire Lynn Siegrist this week. :) 

A prayer for today:  O, Lord, how abundant are your works!  How amazing is your love that conquers all fears!  Grant us enough faith in your ever-present love to step into your Kingdom WAY knowing that You will never leave us nor forsake us. Work, studies, relationships,and tasks can distract us from Your Way OR, we can pause and recognize You with us in all circumstances. Life is sometimes so hard. Help us, Lord. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. AMEN.   

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,

Keep in touch! 

For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8: 38-39

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd

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