Our responsibility as followers of Jesus was to bring down our own walls. Judgment, Preconceived ideas, self righteousness, suspicion, dislike... because of Religion, Race, Income, Employment, Gender...
"Carol, I really don't agree with your point. If they wouldn't act in such ways... If they would be more responsible...They aren't following the truth... They.... If they.... They...."
I was glad this sister had taken the time and had the courage to call for further discussion. We agreed to disagree on many points, and now, many years later, I feel more strongly about this than ever. I am responsible for my own walls and actions which should be determined by Jesus with guidance from the Holy Spirit, not by someone else's issues, inactions, actions, or religion. I would have been deprived of some amazing friendships, blessings, and teachings if I had waited for the other person to change before building a relationship. I have a few more bricks within me that need to be removed. Lord, keep me open to your transformation.
This week Brother Mick's sermon text is Acts 11:1-8 with additional passages from Psalm 148 and Revelation 21:1-16 with a title "Them and US." Peter is speaking to the other believers who are critical of him for fraternizing, yes, even accepting the Gentiles as part of God's family. Micks says, "But Peter relates to them the story of his vision and the reality that within God's kingdom any sense of us versus them is not to be found."
Congratulations to Korinne and Ian who both graduate from Eastern Mennonite University this Sunday! That's where I will be! :) http://www.emu.edu/
Without question or doubt, you are LOVED by GOD, and I love you too!
Need to talk? Contact me!
Need to talk? Contact me!
Love and Light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd
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