Friday, May 31, 2013

It's time for a confession.
  As our summer schedules take us to the mountains, and the beach, and Yellowstone, and Phoenix; to England, Italy, and Japan,  I have a pet peeve that really bugs me, and I realize I have to let it go.  Really, is it a big deal?  Only in my mind. Right? Is it? Help! Perhaps blogging about it will help me to release it and generate some conversation.  I will also confess right up front, that I really, really want you to agree with my perspective! Oh dear! : / Am I writing to release or convince? Hmmmmm.....Let's talk! So what is my big snag?

   For those of you have been to Ridgeview, you know we have a largish sanctuary (comparative term, I know;  maybe capacity around 500) that is only filled to overflowing during special events like the Mennonite Children's Choir and ACC Bible quizzing  We have our little "neighborhoods in the pews" scattered throughout the large room. Persons sometimes sit alone on a bench with no one directly in front, behind, or beside her.  A grandpa may not have anyone to whom he can pass smarties. The junior high girl may not be close enough to hear the alto part she's trying to learn.  (I'm not talking about the occasional sitting in the back because you have to leave early to catch a train or have a fussy baby.) 

  To me this is like those images of 2 persons sitting in an elegant dining room at each end of a looooooong table with the basket of bread in the middle.  To me this is like going to a family reunion with each person sitting at his own picnic table.  To me this is like the couple watching the same program on TV in different rooms.

  Does this matter?  Apparently it does to me! :) Here are a few reasons I value sitting shoulder to shoulder in the front even if the back half of the sanctuary remains empty.

-Creates a meaningful sense of community/family
-Generates hospitality to guests and guest speakers
-Inspires better singing with a fuller sound.  
-Provides a positive example to our children and youth
-Benefits attention
-Bolsters relationships
-Encourages the preacher, worship leader, and musicians
-Shakes us our of our lethargy and habits
-Find candy in the front benches ;)
-Reminds us we are each an important part of One body; together; collectively; en masse = ONE! 

Well, writing about this has NOT helped to release me but rather has further fixed the concept that I'd like us to be shoulder to shoulder. If you have a different perspective, would you attempt to convince me?  :) Perhaps this can be one of our topics for discussion in the Upper Room this summer.

Adults of all ages are welcome to join the young adult class in the Upper Room for discussion each week this summer for discussion on various topics or articles. This week we'll be setting our discussion guidelines and then discussing current church trends. Bring in articles, questions, and ideas that are relevant. From 9-9:15am we will be singing with the children and youth in the rec room and then finding our way to the Upper Room. Suggestions or questions may be directed to me. 

Brother Mick is back in town and will be sharing from Romans 5:1-5 with a message, "What are you standing in?"  "Through a variety of reasons there are times when it feels as if we have evolved into believers who spend more time dancing around on tip toes about our faith and what it means to us, than those who would be so bold as Paul is in his proclamation. I want to explore this theme and encourage us, like Paul, to persevere in boldness and get our feet more firmly planted on the ground." 

It seems like every time we have a work task with the youth, I come away feeling like a proud mama hen.  Having Dylan, Stephen, Brandon, and Nate join with the senior high youth on the "rock project" at Merv and Jan's was a tremendous way to not only bring strong muscle and "know how" but also provide positive example.  Thanks, Guys! 

I've heard from a little birdie that congratulations and best wishes are in order for Rachel Martin! :) I'm looking forward to hearing more details.  

A prayer for today: O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into God's presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to God with songs of praise! Thank you, Gentle God, for loving us in spite of ourselves.  Grant us courage to be more like Jesus as we interact with others. Help us to trust that you won't leave nor forsake us when we mess up or are struggling with life.  Remind us that we are a body, a community to share our gifts for the furthering of your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. AMEN. 

Without question or doubt, you are LOVED by GOD, and I love you too! 
Need to talk?  Contact me! 

Love and Light, 

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd

Friday, May 24, 2013

With tornadoes, war, unexpected death, and pain all around, I had a welcome chortle as a delivery from the UPS guy awakened the memory of a story a former co-worker shared with me. I'm a few weeks late to acknowledge Nurse's Week, however I'll take this moment to honor the character, determination, and strength of these women and men that floods not only their professional days but also their home lives.

Ruth is an RN about 20 years older than I who joined the pediatric staff when I was still working as an RN  at a small, neighborhood hospital. Being responsible to orient and instruct her, I was at first doubtful about her abilities as she had been working as an administrator at a senior care facility for a number of years.
But Ruth was sharp, determined, very spunky, assertive, organized, and kind; important qualities for a good nurse, and she soon mastered her new role.

File:UPS PackageCar 2344949376 74be4af25f o cropped.jpgBack to the UPS story. Ruth said a young man in those UPS browns we all know so well, brought a package to her home. Ignoring the "beware" sign, he opened the porch door and was bitten in the upper thigh by her dog. Ruth was able to quickly grab the dog and put him inside. She said the UPS man was shaken but claimed he was OK and eager to leave. Ruth, in concern for him, said she wanted to examine his wound before he left.  In order to see the bite, though, Mr. UPS would have to drop those nice brown shorts.

"Lady," he said, "I can't do that. I'm not wearing anything under these shorts."

Do you think this deterred an RN with many years of nursing administration and hospital work experience? Of course not!

Grabbing a towel, Ruth handed it to him and said, "That's okay. Hold this in front of you and drop those drawers. I'm a nurse; I've seen it all."

And yep, he did! I don't remember at all the seriousness of the bite, but oh, did I have a good laugh as she told her tale!
I've had the honor and joy to work with many amazing nurses over the years. Thank one today, won't you?
(This has nothing to do with Sunday's service!) ha!

This week Brother Mick is on a much deserved holiday, and Brother Nelson remains on sabbatical. Jack Suderman, Secretary of the Peace Commission of the Mennonite World Conference (MWC), will be sharing a message he is calling "Peace, a Living Experience" from Psalm 33 and James 3:17-4:1.
I've never met Jack, but his biography indicates a wide expanse of cultural experiences in his life. I look forward to hearing and learning.

I suspect our numbers will be down on Sunday, so you are encouraged to sit in the front half of the sanctuary. Also, we may have tourists, so be sure to wear your smiling faces and be ready to explain the differences between Amish and Mennonite. :)

I'm feeling very sad for our dear Brother Paul and Sister Mary as their grandson Dan Mast was killed in a construction accident on Tuesday.  As you may recall, their grandson Craig died of cancer not so very long ago.  Please pray for their family.
sad, sad, sigh

Hearing from Christle, Mark, Brandon, and Taylor at youth group on Wednesday was great!  Thanks for sharing your university experiences and learnings!

A prayer for today: We wait in hope for you, Lord. You are our help and our shield. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you. (Psalm 33:20, 22)
Lord, we confess that our lack of trust and our fear of the unknown causes us to strike out at others. Mercy, Lord! We cry to you for mercy and grace. Lord, we seek your shelter and comfort.  Remind us that never will you leave us nor forsake us though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the seas. Remind us that nothing can separate us from your love. Hold our hands. Guide us. Help us to help each other.  Help us to be kind to one another.  Help your love to flow through us spilling over like gentle rain on the parched earth to our enemies and neighbors. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen. 

Without question or doubt, you are LOVED by GOD, and I love you too! 
Need to talk?  Contact me! 

Love and Light, 

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd

Friday, May 17, 2013

Last night after eating sweet and sour chicken for sup, we went outside. Cliff had a tree to cutup, and I had weeds to pull since my gardener lives in England, of all places. As I went into my forward fold (thank you, yoga), I began to wonder.  The evening turned into a time of joy and pondering in the midst of  forest plants. 

I wonder... I wonder...I wonder....

  1. .... what I'll write about in the communique. 
  2. .... what it was like to actually be present at Pentecost.
  3. .... if sometimes the Bible actually distracts us from the Voice and following of the Spirit. 
  4. .... if  sometimes our "religion" is a protective box to keep us from experiencing the rush of the mighty wind and tongues of fire. 
  5. .... if sometimes we place the Bible as deity creating a holy quadruplet instead of Holy Trinity. ("Holy Quadruplet:" Boy, that sounds stupid.)
  6. .... if you think I'm blasphemous for wondering such things and will stop reading right this moment. 
  7. .... if anyone really reads this anyway. 
  8. .... if Jeremy is watching me pull the weeds around the "Jeremy bushes." 
  9. .... if the bushes will produce many raspberries this year. 
  10. .... if Jeremy is looking forward to welcoming his ailing grandpa.
  11. .... how many seeds I'll carry inside as that one innocuous appearing invader sprays seeds in my face when I grasp and yank. 
  12. .... if the ticks will find me. 
  13. .... how many varieties of arachnid live on this little patch. 
  14. .... why I am so lucky. 
  15. .... why some people live hell on earth.   
  16. .... why we can't all just get along. 
  17. .... how good and kind Believers can be so diametrically opposed on issues. 
  18. .... if we paid attention to our own stories as well as the stories of others, we might gain understanding and comprehension. 
  19. .... if I'll ever find a hummingbird nest. 
  20. .... if I can lose 5 pounds before Korinne and Ian's wedding.
  21. .... if I can learn to speak bird. (Thanks, Val, for the image from your children!) 
  22. .... how Cliff does it. 
  23. .... if you know what these "leaves of three" are.  
  24. .... if I am living the purpose my Creator designed for me. 
  25. .... if you and I really have any idea how very much we are loved by God. 
This week is Pentecost Sunday, and Brother Mick's message is "Who's In Control Now?" drawn from Acts 2:1-21. "I want us to consider the ways we attempt to control God's Spirit within rather than having it work the other way round."  Yep, we like being in control, don't we?
"And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared to be tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." Acts 2:2-4
We will also be sharing in communion. 

After church, the ministry team will honor the high school and college graduates with a celebratory luncheon. Great work, Ian, with a degree in Health and Physical Education, and Korinne, with a BA in Biology and a minor in Exercise Science! 

Nate will be home on leave soon! YAY! and Brandon should have arrived home from college yesterday. (I think!)  

I look forward to joining you in the Upper Room. For the summer we will be creating an open space for people of all ages and discussing various topics and articles.  Feel free to make suggestions! 

Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, you are very great! You are clothed with honor and majesty and covered with light as a garment. You make the clouds your chariot and ride on the wings of the wind. Psalm 104   Thank you, Divine, for being a God who doesn't  mind our wonder and curiosity. Thank you, God, for speaking through wind, light, and nature. Thank you, God, for never leaving nor forsaking us. Thank you, God, for Jesus, whose love, teaching, and sacrifice brought us life and understanding of your grace and mercy.  For those of us struggling today, remind us of your gentle Presence.  Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen. 

Without question or doubt, you are LOVED by GOD, and I love you too! 
Need to talk?  Contact me! 

Love and Light, 

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd

Friday, May 10, 2013

Lost on the Mountain

When I was 16, I was invited to join my good friend Elizabeth, her parents, and her great aunt (actually, I think it was her great, great aunt) on an unforgettable summer adventure in Colorado.  Now, granted this was long ago, and I don't have the details written down, so....

We (mainly her dad) decided it would be fun for the three of us to climb Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park If we got up at 2 in the morning, we'd be able to complete the ascent and descent in one day.  Okay. Sure. 

Climbing in the cold, darkness of predawn with layers of clothing, we created pudgy selves. With a fast metabolism and little adipose tissue at that age, I was always hungry. Wtih concern for altitude sickness, Elizabeth's dad allowed only the occasional grape. (HANGRY, ME!)

The terrain changed drastically the higher we went, and the trail became more and more of a challenge. Wow, we were actually above the tree line!  I recall being inspired (or put to shame) by a mom with a little boy about 6 years old who passed us by with a smile and a wave. Overall, I was feeling pretty good other than the hunger, but my best friend was feeling the effects of the altitude. I forged ahead, joining up with a girl a few years my senior who shared a peanut butter sandwich with me. (THANK YOU, STRANGER!)

File:Keyhole.jpgWe all made it to the peak, signed the book, rested, and ate more grapes before beginning the trip down the mountain. Elizabeth was feeling really ill, and I was impatient and independently minded, so again, I forged onward without my friends. The path was fairly obvious until one reached what is known as the Boulder Field which is exactly as its name implies.  A huge expanse of large rocks, the so-called trail was marked by small piles of stones.  (At least this was the way it was marked in these days; I don't know whether or not it has changed.)

Common sense would say that I should wait at this point for Elizabeth and her dad to catch up, but now I know I can blame my brain's frontal lobe for not being fully connected, and I did not wait. I was well onto the field of rocks, and struggling to find the marker stones, when faster than you can say "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt," fog began to cover the field getting thicker by the augenblick. Afraid of falling off the mountain if I continued my journey over the arduous terrain, I sat.  Now the imagination switched on, and trapped in the obscure cloud, the horrors of "lost on the mountain" took over the brain. "Teen dies of starvation. Teen kidnapped by deranged mountain man. Teen eaten by a mountain lion. Yikes!  Carol, stop thinking like that! What to do? What to do? Help me, Jesus!"  
Songs began to fill my heart and come out of my mouth. One chorus after another quietly filled the mountain fog. Time passed. Was it 15 minutes or 2 hours?  The dense cloud began to lift, and I soon heard voices calling my name. Found by my dear friend and her dad, I strayed NOT from their presence the rest of the way down.  

In the scripture passage for Sunday morning, Brother Mick will be sharing from Acts 16 where Paul and Silas are praying and singing hymns during their imprisonment. I've always thought about them as being relaxed and confident of God's impending intervention during this time for them, but now I wonder if it might have felt like being lost on a mountain. Perhaps the singing helped to calm and focus them. Brother Mick will be examining various aspect of this exceptional occurrence. I hope you can join us!  

I will join you in the Upper Room. :) 

Twenty-one years ago, May 10 was Mother's Day, and I received the best gift ever. Happy Birthday, Taylor Michelle! 

We grieve with our church family at the deaths of  Larry Hershey, and George Esh.  Praying that the light of the Divine surrounds your families with peace and comfort. 

A prayer for today: I lift up my eyes to the hills--from where does my help come?  My help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and earth. Gracious God, remind us of your constant presence and provision.  Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God. On earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. AMEN. 

Without question or doubt, you are LOVED by GOD, and I love you too! 
Need to talk?  Contact me! 

Love and Light, 

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd

Friday, May 3, 2013

A Comedy of Errors; Funny but Not

It's time for a hospital story. You may remember this one from a few years ago.
c 1986 (The old days) "There's something wrong with Aunt Gertie!" A distressed couple ran to the nurses' station directly across from Aunt Gertie's room.  The unit was a general medical-surgical unit, and the day was a typical "IV's, medicine, bedpans, dressing changes, no time for the nurses to pee" kind of day.  Aunt Gertie was not my patient, but now we were all on alert.

An experienced RN scurried into the room, only to rush right back out, calling to the staff,
"Call the code!"  She ran for the crash cart.

Ehhhhh! This is NOT procedure!  She should have called the code from the room and started CPR!  I rushed into Aunt Gertie's room.  The woman in the bed closest to the door was reclining with the head of her bed at about a 45 degree angle. Her mouth was slightly open, eyes staring and unseeing, and her color ashen. I began to lower the head of her bed as I grabbed her wrist to check her pulse. Surprisingly, her skin was warm, and her pulse was strong.  "Are you OK?" I asked.

The woman responded, "I'm fine, but I think my roommate is having problems. I'm blind though, so I can't see what's happening." 
Yikes! Laugh or Cry?! I quickly moved to the bed on the other side of the curtain and began caring for Aunt Gertie.

Even though I haven't worked as an RN for many years, I still have the occasional stress dream of something going wrong on the nursing unit, but this event was no somnolent nightmare but like coca-cola, the real thing!

I never confronted the first responder in this situation as she was my boss, but I've sometimes wondered if it was fear or shock that caused her to act outside of the protocol.

The text for Brother Mick's message is John 5:1-13 where Jesus asks the sick man at the poolside if he wants to be healed. Mick will explore with us the man's response. "When confronted by what we might do or could do or perhaps even should do, we fall quickly back to a position of defensiveness on why we can't. How much of our spiritual growth or discipleship practices are hindered by our own actions or attitudes?"

Some of you college students have finished for the year while others of you are pushing toward the finish line. Either way, I'm praying for you and look forward to catching up with you soon. I plan to join you in the Upper Room. :)

The hummingbirds are here, and I heard an oriole this morning. YAY! Is anyone interested in enjoying a cup of coffee with me on my deck as the hummingbirds zip past our heads like light sabers?

A prayer for today: 
Creator God, be gracious to us and bless us and make your face shine upon us. May your ways be known on earth; your salvation among all nations.  Grant us courage to bear witness of your incredible grace and love to all the ends of the earth. Grant clarity and discipline to our friends still studying and taking exams. Grant healing and hope to those of us who are ill and lonely. Provide new understandings of you as we experience different cultures and locations.  Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God. Here, on earth, as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen. 

Without question or doubt, you are LOVED by GOD, and I love you too! 
Need to talk?  Contact me! 

Love and Light, 

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd