Friday, May 17, 2013

Last night after eating sweet and sour chicken for sup, we went outside. Cliff had a tree to cutup, and I had weeds to pull since my gardener lives in England, of all places. As I went into my forward fold (thank you, yoga), I began to wonder.  The evening turned into a time of joy and pondering in the midst of  forest plants. 

I wonder... I wonder...I wonder....

  1. .... what I'll write about in the communique. 
  2. .... what it was like to actually be present at Pentecost.
  3. .... if sometimes the Bible actually distracts us from the Voice and following of the Spirit. 
  4. .... if  sometimes our "religion" is a protective box to keep us from experiencing the rush of the mighty wind and tongues of fire. 
  5. .... if sometimes we place the Bible as deity creating a holy quadruplet instead of Holy Trinity. ("Holy Quadruplet:" Boy, that sounds stupid.)
  6. .... if you think I'm blasphemous for wondering such things and will stop reading right this moment. 
  7. .... if anyone really reads this anyway. 
  8. .... if Jeremy is watching me pull the weeds around the "Jeremy bushes." 
  9. .... if the bushes will produce many raspberries this year. 
  10. .... if Jeremy is looking forward to welcoming his ailing grandpa.
  11. .... how many seeds I'll carry inside as that one innocuous appearing invader sprays seeds in my face when I grasp and yank. 
  12. .... if the ticks will find me. 
  13. .... how many varieties of arachnid live on this little patch. 
  14. .... why I am so lucky. 
  15. .... why some people live hell on earth.   
  16. .... why we can't all just get along. 
  17. .... how good and kind Believers can be so diametrically opposed on issues. 
  18. .... if we paid attention to our own stories as well as the stories of others, we might gain understanding and comprehension. 
  19. .... if I'll ever find a hummingbird nest. 
  20. .... if I can lose 5 pounds before Korinne and Ian's wedding.
  21. .... if I can learn to speak bird. (Thanks, Val, for the image from your children!) 
  22. .... how Cliff does it. 
  23. .... if you know what these "leaves of three" are.  
  24. .... if I am living the purpose my Creator designed for me. 
  25. .... if you and I really have any idea how very much we are loved by God. 
This week is Pentecost Sunday, and Brother Mick's message is "Who's In Control Now?" drawn from Acts 2:1-21. "I want us to consider the ways we attempt to control God's Spirit within rather than having it work the other way round."  Yep, we like being in control, don't we?
"And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared to be tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." Acts 2:2-4
We will also be sharing in communion. 

After church, the ministry team will honor the high school and college graduates with a celebratory luncheon. Great work, Ian, with a degree in Health and Physical Education, and Korinne, with a BA in Biology and a minor in Exercise Science! 

Nate will be home on leave soon! YAY! and Brandon should have arrived home from college yesterday. (I think!)  

I look forward to joining you in the Upper Room. For the summer we will be creating an open space for people of all ages and discussing various topics and articles.  Feel free to make suggestions! 

Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, you are very great! You are clothed with honor and majesty and covered with light as a garment. You make the clouds your chariot and ride on the wings of the wind. Psalm 104   Thank you, Divine, for being a God who doesn't  mind our wonder and curiosity. Thank you, God, for speaking through wind, light, and nature. Thank you, God, for never leaving nor forsaking us. Thank you, God, for Jesus, whose love, teaching, and sacrifice brought us life and understanding of your grace and mercy.  For those of us struggling today, remind us of your gentle Presence.  Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen. 

Without question or doubt, you are LOVED by GOD, and I love you too! 
Need to talk?  Contact me! 

Love and Light, 

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd

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